Just FYI, veganforum.org is unavailable right now while we transfer the website to my server. We won't be merging for at least another month or so.
'veganforum.org' is a better domain name for attracting new members and it better describes what we are.
As long as the veganforum.org domain isn't somehow blocked in your country (I would be surprised!), you should be fine.
You will have the same username and password (as long as VF doesn't already have a 'Val' member, in that case I haven't decided what we will do).
You will probably have to type in your username and password again once we merge. If you can't remember your password, remember that there's a feature to reset your password - it'll send a special link to your email address.
I will come back with very clear instructions about all this once we approach the big day. Don't worry! I'll sort everyone out
It's been only positive so far
They're very polite over there!