You seem to object to the political systems of both the U.K. and the U.S. Is there a country of whose political system you approve?
I don't think there are any I would fully embrace without any reservations, but there are obviously countries and political systems to which I would object less than others. Plutocratic democracy (as in most western nations to a greater or lesser extent) isn't so bad at all when compared to authoritarian rule or totalitarian states. Generally, I prefer smaller nations (excluding tax havens) because they tend to be more egalitarian, the arrogance and excesses of the elites are kept better in check, they have less corruption, they are usually less prone to militaristic adventurism, and their problems can be fixed more easily than in larger nations.
I don't know of any system that involves tens or hundreds) of millions of people of which everyone approves. I don't think it's possible, outside of the Borg Collective.
I'm assuming that IS approves of GB more than of his home country, since he has elected to live there. He also seemed to favor Brexit, the vote went in favor of Brexit, and now a politician who was not in favor of Brexit has stated that she will follow the will of the people and implement Brexit. On the whole, I would think that you would be finding the situation meeting with your approval, IS.
No, generally I prefer the political culture/system of Norway over the UK, but there are other factors that made me decide to move here, like more interesting jobs in my sector, and obviously a more progressive and accepting culture in terms of minority lifestyles.
As for Brexit, I thought it was a difficult decision, but in the end the best option won. It was certainly the bravest option! Though there will be major challenges, and it's not clear whether the negotiators for the new agreements with the EU will be fit for the task. I suspect with Theresa May as prime minister, who opposed Brexit, the UK will seek an agreement with the EU which sacrifices national sovereignty so that there can be, literally speaking, "business as usual", i.e. so that UK businesses can get full access to EU's single market as before. (In other words, much like Norway's EEA deal.)
I'm all for binding agreements and cooperation between European nations, but the EU is not the solution, at least not in its current incarnation.