Bugs - Not for the Squeamish

This butterfly was flirting with me, flashin' some leg and all. :flirt:
I do all of my macro work handheld so sometimes the focus is meh. Here's a jumping spider:

And this little guy, he was right on the tip of an azalea leaf. No idea what it is. Maybe some sort of lace wing? Anybody know?

I usually don't like spiders, but jumping spiders are different to me somehow.

I know you posted this some time ago, but I think that's a lace bug.

I think my favorite insects are the homopterans such as cicadas and leafhoppers, the grasshoppers and other insects like them, and moths/butterflies. Especially moths- they're so fuzzy, you almost want to pet them.

I recently released a huge moth who was in my house- I cupped my hands around it and tried to let it out the front door, but when I opened my hands to open the door s/he got loose. I found it, it got loose yet again, and this time landed on me. I walked outside and it finally landed on the outside of my front door.
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Poor quality video of a bee/wasp stuffing a grasshopper :( into a hole in the window. Sad for the grasshopper but fascinating.

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beanstew, those photos are wicked! I love the beetle, and that gorgeous moth. This morning, I stepped outside my door and saw a large white moth on the neighbour's doormat. I let it crawl onto my finger and placed it somewhere safer, just in a random bush. I grabbed my camera to snap a photo but in the meantime, the moth had taken flight. It was so pretty - and I was so upset I didn't capture it! I definitely agree with KLS52 in that moths are sometimes even prettier than their (seemingly) more likeable counterparts. :flirt:
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I am so jealous - I wish to see such beautiful moths!

Yesterday, I spent my lunch 1/2 scouring a bush outside of my work that I know the jumping spiders love. It's kind of pure luck, to spot one. Today I've tried with no such luck, but here was yesterday's prize!


I can never resist these guys, they're my absolute favourite to capture!

That same morning, I also rescued a bug from an awful, awful death by ferocious ants. I wasn't sure the adorable bug would make it, but it sure did! Phew.
