Can anyone relate?


Forum Devotee
Dec 29, 2018
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  1. Vegan
As a vegan, I regularly have these experiences...just wondering whether I'm the only one.

Please read before commenting. Please do not comment if all you have to say is that I'm "narrow" or "judgemental" or "need therapy." Please do not comment to make a case for why your unethical behaviour is valid.

1. You hear someone's vegan and get really excited, only to hear that they support leather/honey/wool/eggs etc. You then feel let down and angry that they call themselves vegan when they're not; and if you have the audacity to call them on it, they lecture you on being judgemental and how everyone should be able to say what's vegan for them.
2. You have nightmares about animal torture. Gas chambers, electrocution...and wake up wondering how we can live in a world where this is considered normal, legal, and perfectly fine.
3. People in your life mistake veganism for a plant-based diet and it drives you crazy but you don't know what to do about it without literally alienating half the people in your life.
4. People think you're extreme for wanting to go out of your way to not contribute to animal abuse, and you wonder how we can live in a society where that's considered the extreme behaviour.
5. You feel like honest discussions about veganism are taboo, and worry about bringing up the topic for fear of losing friends, family, or even your job.
6. You cry when walking past animal corpses at the market.
7. You feel overwhelmed by the vastness of animal abuse and exploitation - in every area of your life, it's there. The numbers are beyond comprehension. And it seems like everyone's okay with it.

Can anyone here relate? I know that not everyone here is vegan. I know that there people here who call themselves vegan whilst still contributing to animal abuse and exploitation. To those groups, this isn't a personal attack; this is also not an invitation to validate or defend yourselves - this isn't about you or for you. I've posted here before looking for solidarity - hoping to hear from people who could relate to my experience, only to have people call me judgemental, overly emotional, in need of therapy, narrow minded, etc. Hence my post in bold. For those vegans who go by the vegan society definition, who can relate to what I'm talking about, who don't knowingly contribute to animal abuse or exploitation - I would love to hear from you! It would be so nice to know I'm not the only one, and to talk to others who experience these things, as well.
Yes, I can relate...
When I first understood How many different ways animals are being abused Every single second - my life changed...
It may not be possible to be a Perfect vegan, I just try to do my Very best...
Would enjoy speaking with you more about this...
All the best,
As a vegan, I regularly have these experiences...just wondering whether I'm the only one.

Please read before commenting. Please do not comment if all you have to say is that I'm "narrow" or "judgemental" or "need therapy." Please do not comment to make a case for why your unethical behaviour is valid.

1. You hear someone's vegan and get really excited, only to hear that they support leather/honey/wool/eggs etc. You then feel let down and angry that they call themselves vegan when they're not; and if you have the audacity to call them on it, they lecture you on being judgemental and how everyone should be able to say what's vegan for them.
2. You have nightmares about animal torture. Gas chambers, electrocution...and wake up wondering how we can live in a world where this is considered normal, legal, and perfectly fine.
3. People in your life mistake veganism for a plant-based diet and it drives you crazy but you don't know what to do about it without literally alienating half the people in your life.
4. People think you're extreme for wanting to go out of your way to not contribute to animal abuse, and you wonder how we can live in a society where that's considered the extreme behaviour.
5. You feel like honest discussions about veganism are taboo, and worry about bringing up the topic for fear of losing friends, family, or even your job.
6. You cry when walking past animal corpses at the market.
7. You feel overwhelmed by the vastness of animal abuse and exploitation - in every area of your life, it's there. The numbers are beyond comprehension. And it seems like everyone's okay with it.

Can anyone here relate? I know that not everyone here is vegan. I know that there people here who call themselves vegan whilst still contributing to animal abuse and exploitation. To those groups, this isn't a personal attack; this is also not an invitation to validate or defend yourselves - this isn't about you or for you. I've posted here before looking for solidarity - hoping to hear from people who could relate to my experience, only to have people call me judgemental, overly emotional, in need of therapy, narrow minded, etc. Hence my post in bold. For those vegans who go by the vegan society definition, who can relate to what I'm talking about, who don't knowingly contribute to animal abuse or exploitation - I would love to hear from you! It would be so nice to know I'm not the only one, and to talk to others who experience these things, as well.
As a vegan, I regularly have these experiences...just wondering whether I'm the only one.

Please read before commenting. Please do not comment if all you have to say is that I'm "narrow" or "judgemental" or "need therapy." Please do not comment to make a case for why your unethical behaviour is valid.

1. You hear someone's vegan and get really excited, only to hear that they support leather/honey/wool/eggs etc. You then feel let down and angry that they call themselves vegan when they're not; and if you have the audacity to call them on it, they lecture you on being judgemental and how everyone should be able to say what's vegan for them.
2. You have nightmares about animal torture. Gas chambers, electrocution...and wake up wondering how we can live in a world where this is considered normal, legal, and perfectly fine.
3. People in your life mistake veganism for a plant-based diet and it drives you crazy but you don't know what to do about it without literally alienating half the people in your life.
4. People think you're extreme for wanting to go out of your way to not contribute to animal abuse, and you wonder how we can live in a society where that's considered the extreme behaviour.
5. You feel like honest discussions about veganism are taboo, and worry about bringing up the topic for fear of losing friends, family, or even your job.
6. You cry when walking past animal corpses at the market.
7. You feel overwhelmed by the vastness of animal abuse and exploitation - in every area of your life, it's there. The numbers are beyond comprehension. And it seems like everyone's okay with it.

Can anyone here relate? I know that not everyone here is vegan. I know that there people here who call themselves vegan whilst still contributing to animal abuse and exploitation. To those groups, this isn't a personal attack; this is also not an invitation to validate or defend yourselves - this isn't about you or for you. I've posted here before looking for solidarity - hoping to hear from people who could relate to my experience, only to have people call me judgemental, overly emotional, in need of therapy, narrow minded, etc. Hence my post in bold. For those vegans who go by the vegan society definition, who can relate to what I'm talking about, who don't knowingly contribute to animal abuse or exploitation - I would love to hear from you! It would be so nice to know I'm not the only one, and to talk to others who experience these things, as well.
I'm exactly the same, so is my wife, and as time goes on we find it increasingly difficult to relate to much of the world around us. Ethical veganism can be very difficult, but I'd rather live knowing the truth and having the empathy to connect to all the suffering and wrongs in the world than be little more than a Nazi.
I'm exactly the same, so is my wife, and as time goes on we find it increasingly difficult to relate to much of the world around us. Ethical veganism can be very difficult, but I'd rather live knowing the truth and having the empathy to connect to all the suffering and wrongs in the world than be little more than a Nazi.
My feelings exactly. It was easier being ignorant, but I'd rather know.
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Yes, I can relate...
When I first understood How many different ways animals are being abused Every single second - my life changed...
It may not be possible to be a Perfect vegan, I just try to do my Very best...
Would enjoy speaking with you more about this...
All the best,
Yeah, I don’t like the term “perfect vegan.” You’re either vegan or you’re not. As a vegan I make mistakes. I learn from them, I try to do better. I went to have my nails done (at a non-vegan salon) and remembered to bring my own polish, but totally forgot about the moisturiser, sanitiser, polish remover, and cuticle oil (it had been awhile). They were probably tested on animals. They may have contained animal fat, honey, etc. Next time I don’t go to a vegan salon, I’ll be bringing my own products. Too often though, I hear people using that as an excuse to knowingly support animal abuse. I find that disappointing.

No one likes to admit it, but when it comes down it, supporting animal abuse almost always amounts to choosing personal pleasure or convenience over someone else’s life. The same choice is made by rapists and child molesters. If their pleasure is not an excuse to violate someone else’s life, why is our pleasure a valid excuse to violate the animals’ lives?
Yeah, I don’t like the term “perfect vegan.” You’re either vegan or you’re not. As a vegan I make mistakes. I learn from them, I try to do better. I went to have my nails done (at a non-vegan salon) and remembered to bring my own polish, but totally forgot about the moisturiser, sanitiser, polish remover, and cuticle oil (it had been awhile). They were probably tested on animals. They may have contained animal fat, honey, etc. Next time I don’t go to a vegan salon, I’ll be bringing my own products. Too often though, I hear people using that as an excuse to knowingly support animal abuse. I find that disappointing.

No one likes to admit it, but when it comes down it, supporting animal abuse almost always amounts to choosing personal pleasure or convenience over someone else’s life. The same choice is made by rapists and child molesters. If their pleasure is not an excuse to violate someone else’s life, why is our pleasure a valid excuse to violate the animals’ lives?
Absolutely, if evil is defined as causing harm unnecessarily for some form of gain or gratification, then the consumption of animal products is no different to any other form evil, such as rape and child abuse. Be it by either a perpetrator or a supporter of such acts.
As a vegan, I regularly have these experiences...just wondering whether I'm the only one.

Please read before commenting. Please do not comment if all you have to say is that I'm "narrow" or "judgemental" or "need therapy." Please do not comment to make a case for why your unethical behaviour is valid.

1. You hear someone's vegan and get really excited, only to hear that they support leather/honey/wool/eggs etc. You then feel let down and angry that they call themselves vegan when they're not; and if you have the audacity to call them on it, they lecture you on being judgemental and how everyone should be able to say what's vegan for them.
2. You have nightmares about animal torture. Gas chambers, electrocution...and wake up wondering how we can live in a world where this is considered normal, legal, and perfectly fine.
3. People in your life mistake veganism for a plant-based diet and it drives you crazy but you don't know what to do about it without literally alienating half the people in your life.
4. People think you're extreme for wanting to go out of your way to not contribute to animal abuse, and you wonder how we can live in a society where that's considered the extreme behaviour.
5. You feel like honest discussions about veganism are taboo, and worry about bringing up the topic for fear of losing friends, family, or even your job.
6. You cry when walking past animal corpses at the market.
7. You feel overwhelmed by the vastness of animal abuse and exploitation - in every area of your life, it's there. The numbers are beyond comprehension. And it seems like everyone's okay with it.

Can anyone here relate? I know that not everyone here is vegan. I know that there people here who call themselves vegan whilst still contributing to animal abuse and exploitation. To those groups, this isn't a personal attack; this is also not an invitation to validate or defend yourselves - this isn't about you or for you. I've posted here before looking for solidarity - hoping to hear from people who could relate to my experience, only to have people call me judgemental, overly emotional, in need of therapy, narrow minded, etc. Hence my post in bold. For those vegans who go by the vegan society definition, who can relate to what I'm talking about, who don't knowingly contribute to animal abuse or exploitation - I would love to hear from you! It would be so nice to know I'm not the only one, and to talk to others who experience these things, as well.
I enjoy your posts. I relate very much.
This most recent Thanksgiving, I burst into tears at the table, thinking about all the Turkeys who lost their lives. Even though I don't contribute to animal exploitation, I had a sad day just knowing the facts of what happens.
This wasn't the first time I have cried for animal lives lost.
I have been vegan for 11 years. No matter what people say, the reality of animal torture is no easier for me to deal with now, than it was 11 years ago. I still get angry. I still cry for the animals. Yes, I am fully aware that you can't force others to change, or to wake up. That doesn't make me any less emotional about it.
I am sick of hearing people say ignorant things like, "I'm sorry. It's just our tradition."
So yes. I hear you.
I enjoy your posts. I relate very much.
This most recent Thanksgiving, I burst into tears at the table, thinking about all the Turkeys who lost their lives. Even though I don't contribute to animal exploitation, I had a sad day just knowing the facts of what happens.
This wasn't the first time I have cried for animal lives lost.
I have been vegan for 11 years. No matter what people say, the reality of animal torture is no easier for me to deal with now, than it was 11 years ago. I still get angry. I still cry for the animals. Yes, I am fully aware that you can't force others to change, or to wake up. That doesn't make me any less emotional about it.
I am sick of hearing people say ignorant things like, "I'm sorry. It's just our tradition."
So yes. I hear you.
I think it’s a good thing you still cry. I worry about people who are so numb to violence and cruelty that it no longer phases them.
1. You hear someone's vegan and get really excited, only to hear that they support leather/honey/wool/eggs etc. You then feel let down and angry that they call themselves vegan when they're not; and if you have the audacity to call them on it, they lecture you on being judgemental and how everyone should be able to say what's vegan for them.
Not really...I still respect the positive change they've made and if anything I'm more careful about coming off as judgmental so as not to alienate an ally.

2. You have nightmares about animal torture. Gas chambers, electrocution...and wake up wondering how we can live in a world where this is considered normal, legal, and perfectly fine.
No, but I frequently have dreams about slapping meat out of people's hands and screaming in their faces about the horrors they're helping perpetuate.
3. People in your life mistake veganism for a plant-based diet and it drives you crazy but you don't know what to do about it without literally alienating half the people in your life.
Pretty sure I've already alienated that half. No one would mistake my choice as anything but animal rights driven.
4. People think you're extreme for wanting to go out of your way to not contribute to animal abuse, and you wonder how we can live in a society where that's considered the extreme behaviour.
Oh yeah, for sure.
5. You feel like honest discussions about veganism are taboo, and worry about bringing up the topic for fear of losing friends, family, or even your job.
Yep. A lot of the time I end up talking to people as if they're children who aren't emotionally equipped to face the truth....because that's how they usually react!
6. You cry when walking past animal corpses at the market.
Thankfully no. But I held back some tears today watching video of activists bearing witness to pigs on transport trucks - better bring some big dark sunglasses if I ever take part in that myself!
7. You feel overwhelmed by the vastness of animal abuse and exploitation - in every area of your life, it's there. The numbers are beyond comprehension. And it seems like everyone's okay with it.
Yes absolutely.
As a vegan, I regularly have these experiences...just wondering whether I'm the only one.

Please read before commenting. Please do not comment if all you have to say is that I'm "narrow" or "judgemental" or "need therapy." Please do not comment to make a case for why your unethical behaviour is valid.

1. You hear someone's vegan and get really excited, only to hear that they support leather/honey/wool/eggs etc. You then feel let down and angry that they call themselves vegan when they're not; and if you have the audacity to call them on it, they lecture you on being judgemental and how everyone should be able to say what's vegan for them.
2. You have nightmares about animal torture. Gas chambers, electrocution...and wake up wondering how we can live in a world where this is considered normal, legal, and perfectly fine.
3. People in your life mistake veganism for a plant-based diet and it drives you crazy but you don't know what to do about it without literally alienating half the people in your life.
4. People think you're extreme for wanting to go out of your way to not contribute to animal abuse, and you wonder how we can live in a society where that's considered the extreme behaviour.
5. You feel like honest discussions about veganism are taboo, and worry about bringing up the topic for fear of losing friends, family, or even your job.
6. You cry when walking past animal corpses at the market.
7. You feel overwhelmed by the vastness of animal abuse and exploitation - in every area of your life, it's there. The numbers are beyond comprehension. And it seems like everyone's okay with it.

Can anyone here relate? I know that not everyone here is vegan. I know that there people here who call themselves vegan whilst still contributing to animal abuse and exploitation. To those groups, this isn't a personal attack; this is also not an invitation to validate or defend yourselves - this isn't about you or for you. I've posted here before looking for solidarity - hoping to hear from people who could relate to my experience, only to have people call me judgemental, overly emotional, in need of therapy, narrow minded, etc. Hence my post in bold. For those vegans who go by the vegan society definition, who can relate to what I'm talking about, who don't knowingly contribute to animal abuse or exploitation - I would love to hear from you! It would be so nice to know I'm not the only one, and to talk to others who experience these things, as well.
I relate to what you are saying but as a relatively new vegan I haven't experienced all of these points. In relation to point 5 I would say I feel exactly like that. I've only talked to colleagues about being vegan who I know are open minded and not judgemental. At least I can start on these people before working up to tougher nuts to crack! The more I learn the more I'll be able to fight my corner should I come across negatively. It really has changed my outlook on society and life in general since deciding to be vegan, and realise how narrow minded people are when faced with concepts outside of what's considered normal.
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1. You hear someone's vegan and get really excited, only to hear that they support leather/honey/wool/eggs etc. You then feel let down and angry that they call themselves vegan when they're not; and if you have the audacity to call them on it, they lecture you on being judgemental and how everyone should be able to say what's vegan for them.
Funny though. I used to be this way when I was a newbie "vegan". That is why the term Vegan Journey exists. It is a learning process, indeed.
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6. You cry when walking past animal corpses at the market.
Not actually cry. But it usually feels like hell. I sometimes walk past slaughterhouses. Such places stink death, the workers all bloody. Surprisingly, carnists flock these slaughterhouses for cheap, fresh meat. The last time I walked past a slaughterhouse, I witnessed a bull in panic trying to escape but with nowhere to escape through.
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5. You feel like honest discussions about veganism are taboo, and worry about bringing up the topic for fear of losing friends, family, or even your job.
Never revealed to anyone that I am vegan. Not many people here know what even that means. They think that I avoid meat and the like because of health reason(s) or religious belief(s).
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