Nutrition & Diet Can Junk Food Ever Be Vegan?


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
  1. Other
For those who regularly consume junk and processed food, can it be considered vegan? Where do you draw the line?

''There are two ingredients that are present in the majority of vegan junk foods that tend to make people uncomfortable. The first is soy and the second is palm oil.
Obviously neither of these foods have come from an animal but does this mean that they ‘exclude, as far as possible…cruelty to animals’? Possibly not.''


I don't know what to think about this article. It just seems as a more polite way of undermining vegans. Soy and palm oil are not present only in vegan products.
I think as vegans, we all try our best to reduce harm, however it is impossible not to have any impact.
Soy crops that led to deforestation are mainly fed to animals, deforestation did not come because of the vegan movement.
I think it is good to try and be informed and do your best, but if half the people of the planet would choose Oreo instead of a cheese cake, a soy burger instead of a cow burger, then the environment and animals, including orangutans would benefit from it.
So I would say that yes, junk food can be vegan because everything we eat brings harm to animals and the environment, some just have a higher impact then others.