Christmas Countdown & Everything Thread (2020)

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He is so awesome. Still unruly. The trainer ended up getting covid so he hasn’t had any formal lessons. He is doing we for the most part but he is uncontrollable when he first sees us. He gets so excited he continues to jump up and forget trying to hold him back with the leash. He is so strong even SIL has trouble not getting jerked around.

He’s 7 months so I’m hoping it’s because he’s still a puppy and he will eventually calm down. He does so well with every other command. He’s so smart. It’s just the excitement part. When he first sees me he just wants to run to me and knock me over. And he whines and cries like the dogs in the videos who see their owners come home after months of serving in the military, haha. I tell myself it’s because he loves me so much. He doesn’t do it to everyone.
I want those bombs so bad but I don’t want to make them. I wish they sold vegan ones.
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Have you tasted a mug of chocolate made with one of those bombs? :)
I have not but I can’t imagine they are not good? If I can find the molds I think I might have to try my hand at it. The only part I don’t want to do is make the round balls. I see myself making a mess and breaking them as I go to unmold them. Plus I will probably have to buy vegan chocolate online unless I make the 45 minute drive to TJs which I’m not inclined to do. It would have to be today or tomorrow as I start strict lockdown for Christmas on Friday.

Maybe I should just suck it up and do it. But I had such a bad experience yesterday with going into the store, I don’t think I want to go shopping ever again...exaggerating just a tad for drama’s sake because, well, that’s what I do. This Covid isolation is making me less tolerant of people. I’m becoming too reclusive.
I have not but I can’t imagine they are not good? If I can find the molds I think I might have to try my hand at it. The only part I don’t want to do is make the round balls. I see myself making a mess and breaking them as I go to unmold them. Plus I will probably have to buy vegan chocolate online unless I make the 45 minute drive to TJs which I’m not inclined to do. It would have to be today or tomorrow as I start strict lockdown for Christmas on Friday.

Maybe I should just suck it up and do it. But I had such a bad experience yesterday with going into the store, I don’t think I want to go shopping ever again...exaggerating just a tad for drama’s sake because, well, that’s what I do. This Covid isolation is making me less tolerant of people. I’m becoming too reclusive.

I was only asking as I have seen a demonstration on QVC who say that these bombs sell like hot cakes. However, aside from seeing the chocolate melt and the marshmallows popping up to the surface, I don't see anything special about a mug of bomb chocolate !;)

I was also utterly gobsmacked by the price!

QVC co uk chocolate bombs
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I was only asking as I have seen a demonstration on QVC who say that these bombs sell like hot cakes. However, aside from seeing the chocolate melt and the marshmallows popping up to the surface, I don't see anything special about a mug of bomb chocolate !;)
I was utterly gobsmacked by the price!

Oh,’s definitely the novelty of it. I am hooked by the video presentations, the fun of it, even if it only lasts 30 seconds. I imagine it tastes like a regular mug of hot chocolate/cocoa lol. It just looks so cool when it melts and pops open. I should get two for Josh and Lydia because I wouldn’t want to drink it anyway due to the dreaded evil calories. I’d rather eat a piece of decadent cake lol. But I feel like I need to see it in action at least once! Or, get them for son and husband as they both like hot chocolate. But you are correct they are expensive! If I wait long enough my curiosity will pass as it does with everything else lol.
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Oh,’s definitely the novelty of it. I am hooked by the video presentations, the fun of it, even if it only lasts 30 seconds. I imagine it tastes like a regular mug of hot chocolate/cocoa lol. It just looks so cool when it melts and pops open. I should get two for Josh and Lydia because I wouldn’t want to drink it anyway due to the dreaded evil calories. I’d rather eat a piece of decadent cake lol. But I feel like I need to see it in action at least once! Or, get them for son and husband as they both like hot chocolate. But you are correct they are expensive! If I wait long enough my curiosity will pass as it does with everything else lol.

I also thought that they would be fun for children because of the marshmallows popping up. I'm not too sure about the taste as you need lots of good quality chocolate to make a delicious drink........and it doesn't look chocolaty enough.
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I also thought that they would be fun for children because of the marshmallows popping up. I'm not too sure about the taste as you need lots of good quality chocolate to make a delicious drink........and it doesn't look chocolaty enough.
Which is probably why it’s a good idea to make it yourself. It looks like they use a premade mix like Swiss Miss that you buy in the grocery store. I would make my own with my organic cacao and lots of sugar and dandies mini marshmallows! 😍
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Which is probably why it’s a good idea to make it yourself. It looks like they use a premade mix like Swiss Miss that you buy in the grocery store. I would make my own with my organic cacao and lots of sugar and dandies mini marshmallows! 😍

It would be interesting to have a chocoholic's opinion. The drink looks very milky and sweet. Give me a mug of either Spanish or Mexican hot chocolate any day. :D

This looks more like something decadent for chocolate lovers; a chocolate velvetiser.

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