Christmas Countdown & Everything Thread

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From Gothenburg Cathedral's Lucia - Betlehems Stjärna (Star of Bethlehem)

Google translation with adjustments:

Shine over lake and shore, star from afar, you who in the East were lit by the Lord.
The Star of Bethlehem does not lead away, but home.
The children and the shepherds will gladly follow you, shining star, shining star.
Night over Judah, night over Zion. Away at the western edge, Orion goes out.
The shepherd, who sleeps tired, the child, who slumbers sweetly, awake to wonderful chorus of voices, behold a gloriously bright star in the east;
Walk away from lamb and home, seeking Eden.
The Star of Bethlehem shows them the way forward through hindering earthly prisons to the glistening fence of the garden, Hand to the fence of the resplendent pleasure garden.
Arms there they stretch, lips there whisper, whisper and hand them, sweet and healthy: The Star of Bethlehem does not lead away, but home.
The children and the shepherds will gladly follow you, shining star, shining star.
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