I'm feeling back on track. My back/side/abdominal spasms and pain are gone. I gave up gluten free but am still avoiding soy. During the time I was in the ER and just before when I saw my doctor, they tested my thyroid and it was actually smack in the middle of normal range so whatever all this stuff is I have been experiencing, it was not thyroid related. All my labs were normal, except platelets were very slightly low which for some reason really bothers me even though the doctors said it was very common and nothing to worry about. I keep imagining the worst and looking up all this stuff about thrombocytopenia. At any rate, I took five days off exercise when I was experiencing those awful cramps, then exercised for two days, then four days off exercise (except shoveling) this last weekend when I visited the inlaws out of town. So my body has had a lot of recovery and rest time and I think it has really helped me a lot. I think my body was just really worn down and I was straining myself way too much. I had been playing around with B12 and DHA supplements and I think, with my body being so sensitive to supplements, that it helped trigger the spasms. So I need to be very careful with supplements and take baby doses at a time. Maybe focus more on fortified plant milks in place as that is easier on my body.
So a new goal is to limit exercise to four days per week intense and one day leisurely (snowshoeing, simple walk etc), and take at least two full days off to give my muscles a chance to recover and rebuild.
Oh, and before the cramps started, I was really excited because one day at the gym I was practicing pirouettes and I nailed a double! I meant to share about it but then all the other stuff got in the way.