Do you speak up uninvited?

Sorry to be a contrarian but it would have annoyed the holy living hell out of me if someone butted in on a discussion/argument between myself and my child, besides sounds like the child was holding her own. Would any of you have wanted someone to butt in on the outside chance you were arguing with your kid who wanted to drink cows milk? I can see it now, "excuse me sir, but I've drank regular milk my entire life and I've never had any health issues". Not all omni parents are Neanderthals, many will actually listen to their kids arguments on such things, outsiders getting their dander up isn't going to help.

I also don't like people to get involved when uninvited.

I definitely see your point, and was thinking of that myself. That's why I made an effort to be brief and polite.

But my inner activist that I've been suppressing for a long time, managed to come to the surface. :p
Giving unsolicited advice is what causes offense in these situations.

I wouldnt butt in to a strangers conversation, especially if there seemed to be an arguement incoming (eg-if the mother was actually a little ****** at the kid for choosing milk) you dont know the home situation. By butting in, you could make things worse. But that could just be the social anxiety talking ;)
I'm sort of douchey about that stuff...if I hear someone say something ridiculous about veg*nism or veg*ns I'll just snort and roll my eyes. But your way is better, I think.
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