The smilie box is as wide as I can make it before it goes off some people's screens. It could get longer, but then people would have to choose the "More Options" button before they post. VBulletin allows for a "See more" link within the smilie drop-down menu, and clicking on that opens a separate window with the entire collection in it, but this software doesn't allow for that, and I haven't had a chance to see if that can be added.
There is also no way to make smilie groups. I tried renumbering some of them to group them together after they were uploaded, but that doesn't seem to affect the order in which they appear. Numbering them only affect the order at the time of uploading, which is why they have numbers before their names.
So we are probably limited to maybe ten more smilies. I don't want to delete any of the ones getting used at this point, and we probably don't need any duplicates, so I will gather up groups of different versions and you guys can pick your favorites.
So far we have requests for
four of the dancing veggies
an angel
a confused smilie
a thank you smilie
a shrugging smilie
a WTF smilie
and a jumping up and down smilie
That's probably going to be the limit for now. I know we have requests for more. There is already an "ew" smilie

and I don't think we need any thumbs up duplicates.