Dosulepin withdrawal


Jun 11, 2018
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  1. Vegetarian

My gp has told me they are being withdrawn and I am quite happy to see how I am without medication as circumstances have changed and I dont really feel depressed anymore. I have tapered slowly from 150mg over 5 months with no problems at all. I took my last 25mg 5 days ago and am not feeling well at all, nausea, unable to sleep, achey, anxious and a bit panicky and spaced out. Im guessing these may be withdrawal symptoms and wondered if anyone had been through anything similar and how long this may go on for. Any advice be appreciated.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


I have withdrawn from medications before, myself. Narcotics, specifically, and it was not easy. Sometimes there's other medications that can help with withdrawal symptoms. I'd suggest asking your doctor.

I can't tell you how long this medication will cause withdrawal symptoms. It's different with each different drug, and also with each individual. With the narcotics, for me, it lasted about 10-14 days. It was very uncomfortable. I lost a lot of weight during that time, as I had zero appetite.

From what I understand about antidepressants, they take several weeks to purge from your system, just as they take several weeks to start working when you first start taking them.

I hope you feel better soon.
Please talk with your doctor about what's going on for you. Self-diagnosing won't help. It can lead you to wrong conclusions. Your doctor knows your history and has your bloodwork and has the ability to do whatever tests are necessary to make sure you're doing ok as you transition off.
I went off of seroquel a year and half ago. It was horrible. I was nauseated, my whole body hurt, puking and light headed all the time. It took three weeks to start feeling ok. I didn't taper though. I went cold turkey so mine was probably worse than what you're going through now. You'll get through it. I suggest staying hydrated and try to eat and rest as much as you can.