"Fail to plan, plan to fail"

The cheap cuts for the dog were beef. It stinks, raw, boiled, unseasoned. I can't comprehend how you don't think so

Yes, well perhaps the beef you had was already rotting. Granted, this experiment was well over 2 years ago now (as I have not touched animal products in over 2 years), but I did used to regularly purchase minced beef from the supermarket and for a while I boiled it to reduce the saturated fat. I certainly don't remember any strong smells coming from it. It tasted like almost nothing and smelled like nothing.
I have spent the majority of my life, I think (since I was 18 and out of the house) "intermittent fasting" - before anyone ever invented the term. Meaning, I have never made myself eat on a schedule, never routinely eaten breakfast (until now, that I've grown "addicted" to oatmeal, LOL)... For years I never ate breakfast, or anything before 11 AM or even some time after noon. I ate when I was hungry. The entire idea of needing to eat 3 meals a day at a certain time was not something that humans did naturally, IMO, it was born out of cultural routines, or to sell food - to ensure the masses were consuming the "foods" that the "powers that be" have decided we should be eating and when. ...I had a huge bowl of oatmeal for breakfast at about 8 ... with blueberries, a large banana, about 1/2 cup of chopped nuts, a tablespoon of flax meal, 5 large chopped medjool dates, a generous dousing of soy milk, and a drizzle of maple syrup. It's now noon, and I'm not hungry. Am I supposed to force myself to eat now because our society tells us it's time for lunch?

Choosing to skip a meal now and then - fairly regularly - is what I've used to intuitively maintain my weight. Skipping a meal does not equate to "starving oneself." At the age of 54, I've become quite good at listening to my body and eating when my body is telling me it needs food, and what kind of food it needs. Sometimes this just happens to mean that I skip a socially-expected meal time. Doing this does not cause me to be any more hungry for the next meal time that I otherwise would be.

Now, all this rigid obsession over IF schedules and whatnot I find to be extremely tiresome (right along with all the other fad dieting regimes people follow). I've never followed a prescribed "diet" of any kind - meaning, planned meals and planned times to eat 'n' such. The closest I ever came was about a decade ago when I was working out a lot and I had a window of time to eat - meaning roughly between 2 PM to 6 PM... I just made that up for myself because it felt like what was right for me at the time. I was the most fit then I've ever been in my life. This was still long before I ever heard the term "intermittent fasting." I didn't talk about it with anyone and I didn't read about it in a book. I just did it.

Anyway - the idea that this is somehow "dangerous" is about as extreme as people drinking pee thinking it's going to cure cancer or something. I suppose it depends on how far you take it and become obsessed with it (i.e. don't), but seriously, you're not going to die if you miss a meal or stop eating breakfast. You really aren't. In fact, it's not a bad idea to give your digestive tract a break once in a while. Honestly, if you haven't tried it, you really don't know enough to comment on how it feels or how your body is going to react.

Honestly - since I've been WFPBV (2+ years now), I've all but completely eliminated my obsessive food habits and/or cravings for junk. I do sometimes eat out of habit, but I don't feel guilty about powering down a huge bowl of steamed broccoli or frozen fruit so really, the answer is just to eat actual food! (i.e., PLANTS!) :)

Edit: I did NOT have honey with my oatmeal! LOL - I have no idea why I typed that - I have never even liked honey.

Good for you for listening to your body and doing what is right for you.

The reason we were considering IF as "dangerous" for @Qwaychou is because she is just getting started on this journey and trying to "regulate" eating time with maybe not consuming enough calories and having to deal with non-vegans in her household could be overwhelming and she may therefore may be more tempted to have a food item she may not really wish to eat. If wouldn't be the end of the world, if she did, as she would shake it off and keep going.

I would suggest that your idea of eating only when hungry is a great one and make sure to have lots of great food available to eat and especially when other "smells" may make your mouth water...

Emma JC
I'm interested in IF too. I mostly thought it was just smoke and mirrors but I trust Fuhrman and he wrote a book on it. Although maybe he is just riding the wave.

I almost IF now anyway. If I go to the gym first thing in the morning and skip my evening snack, I go about 16 hours between dinner and breakfast.

My library lost their copy. Maybe you can check your library for it.

Oh! Wait! Fuhrman has some YouTube videos on it. and so does Gregar.

Dr Greger has two new videos out on skipping breakfast and how it affects weight loss.... very interesting!!

Emma JC

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