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Fresh Vegan Meat ;)

Krish Jay

Jun 12, 2016
Reaction score
  1. Vegan newbie
Hello everyone!

Glad to be here... I am a newbie vegan, about 1 and a half months in. But there is no way I will be going back. I've joined here in the hopes finding a community of fellow vegans to talk with, wishing to eventually make a more active impact for our cause

Look forward to meeting you soon,
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Hi Krish,

Welcome to the forum.

What would you think is the best way to make an impact: the aggressive/graphical way or the calm way ? I have seen both in action and have not made an opinion yet.

Interesting. My answer: all ways. All the Freeleas are useful, all the Bite Size Vegans are useful, all the Gary Yourofskys are useful, all the Fully Raw Kristina's, all the Kip Andersens are useful...

We can never know what it will be that makes a person go vegan or start to take serious note of it. Information, slaughter house footage, kind health, warm encouragement... I do my own little thing here on the forum, in a way we all do.

Every single demographic gets stereotyped because that is human nature. We are either high-falutin' hippies or militant, aggressive Greenpeace activists or we are telling the world to voluntarily participate in human extinction so that the ecologies might recover whilst at the same time singing Kumbayah... there will always be a stereotype just like the Brits are both simultaneously the nation of tea-drinkers and royalty-lovers as they are also the anarchists of the London riots in 2012, the cockney speakers of the East-end we see exaggerated in films.

We need everyone in every form and we need to accept that we are not the exception to stereotyping. :) :eek::heart:
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Yeah, since going vegan I turned Jehovah's Witnesses like, except spreading veganism instead of religion. I cannot help it because I care about people around me and want them to be well, happy and healthy.

Hi Gab,
Thanks for the welcome.

I absolutely agree with you Winter, you never know what each individual will resonate with most.
Maybe even multiple different styles may appeal to someone, depending on their mood on a certain day.

However since you asked, I personally differentiate between Aggressive and Graphical...
Before I went vegan, aggressive vegans made me defensive and block them out... the graphical documentaries and visual evidence is what shook me out of denial and illusion.

Since then, the "calm way" is what I resonate most with now... and it lets me accept that veganism is actually normal and natural.