Yes, we all know that TM was on top of CZ and he couldn't escape (despite being bigger than TM).
But why was he engaged in a fight?
There is not much evidence regarding how the fight started.
Given GZ's propensity to lie, maybe GZ was intentionally trying to provoke TM with racial slurs?. TM fuming for a few minutes and then decides to come back to confront GZ for his racial slurs...
Of course GZ would leave that out of his testimony, but that would be key, don't you think? Possibily changing the outcome of the verdict.
Yes, this is speculation. But with TM dead, all we can rely on is GZ's version of events. Relying on ther testimony of a proven liar.
Now you're just speculating about something that there is no evidence for.
Are you actually saying that because GZ didn't disclose some of the initial donations he'd received (I'm not clear on what actually happened but I understand this is the allegation) at the bail hearing, that he's therefore likely to have tried to provoke TM with racial slurs? I'm struggling really hard to see any connection from one to the other.
Or are you using a logical connection/not-really-a-connection analogous to something like "Jill is a liar. Jill has not said that she admires Hitler. Therefore there is reason to believe that Jill might admire Hitler."
Not to mention there is a fair amount of evidence suggesting that GZ didn't hold any overt racial hatred or prejudices. He organized a protest against the Sanford PD for the alleged cover up of the beating of a black homeless man named Sherman Ware by a Sanford Police Lieutenant's son and spoke against the Sanford PD about it at a City Hall event if I remember correctly. Went also to the prom with a black girl, had a black business partner, mentored youths (some or all of whom were black), had a black Peruvian great grandfather and so on. He had called the police with regard to at least some white and hispanic people in the past. Also, he was investigated by the FBI looking for signs of racial prejudice and in interviewing neighbors, co-works, an ex-fiance, acquaintances and so on, they were not able to find anything.
Of course it can't be proven that anyone is not racist and I don't claim that subtle racial biases couldn't have been in play. I just think we should actually have good evidence that people are racist before jumping to conclusions. I could be remembering this totally wrong, but I think you have been (unfairly IMHO) accused of racism in the past and I defended you on that point.
Also given GZ's fathers connection with law enforcement, any police testimony is suspect.
Are you referring to any specific connections between RZsr and Serino, Lee and the other officers who testified or simply referring to the fact that RZsr is a retired magistrate judge?Personally I don't disregard their testimony on the basis of RZsr having been a magistrate, but you are welcome to if you like.
It seems to me that you keep making "You can't prove GZ is innocent." arguments. I'd rather know why you think he's guilt (if that is what you think).
In a few months the whole thing will be fogotten by the public, and GZ can start his new job as a FOX commentator.
I don't know how welcome he'd be considering that he's a registered Democrat who voted for Obama. Maybe he can take Colmes' job or something.