Going vegan


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Sep 15, 2013
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I'm wondering going vegan.

The only time I've been 100% vegan, was on an extreamly restricted diet to try to find out what I'm allergic to (didn't give any new answers). So this is new to me, even though I've been thinking of going vegan several times.

But I'm starting to be convinced that dairy products aren't any good for my health. Egg is not a problem at all. I only use them as "glue" in burgers, as I don't like the taste of it at all.

I have problem with food allergies. Gluten and kidney beans are the biggest problems. Some people tells me it will be a big problem beeing allergic to those two things, and beeing a vegan. Since I will lack two importen food sorces. So I get a bit stressed sometimes by that part. The only thing I can see can be a problem, is B vitamins (special B12), but I take supliments every day, and all my bloodtest have been fine. I have to take a bloodtest every year beacuse of other things, and then I always ask them to check vitamins, iron etc. The only thing I miss i vitamin D (we have too litle sunshine here...). But since my dairy and grain loving omnifriend lacks B12, and I'm not, it's obvious not that a big problem...

But I guess there are other beans than kidney beans that I maybe can eat? I have two big stores nearby that are selling all kind of beans and lentils. So they have probably most of it. I have to start to use more lentils now, and I really need to learn how to cook them... But what kind of beans do you think I can try to eat? I can eat green beans, lentils, peas and chickpeas.

So. Is there any cons at all becoming a vegan with gluten allergies? Or anything I have to think of?

I'm really shouldn't listen to other people about this, and just become a vegan... :p I only got a bit stressed about the whole gluten thing...
I have a friend who is a vegan with a gluten intolerance. It's a little trickier than just plain vegan, but it's definitely possible! When I cook for her, I use things like tofu, chickpeas, and lentils for protein usually. I also make chilli-style dishes with just about every type of bean I can find - aside from kidney beans, haricot beans, butter beans, and black eyed beans are my favourites to use for this.
Hey, I can't eat gluten and my husband is allergic to nearly everything, so it's definitely possible. He can't have any legumes (except tofu in tiny quantities, so it doesn't even really count) so I don't use them, either. I blog about it here, but I'm really just starting out. Good luck. :)
Thanks a lot! It's good to know that other people can live as vegans without gluten too. :)

I have to learn to cook lentils and beans now, and I'm going to try at least one new bean this week! I have to do it when I'm off work, in case I get ill.
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Thanks a lot! It's good to know that other people can live as vegans without gluten too. :)

I have to learn to cook lentils and beans now, and I'm going to try at least one new bean this week! I have to do it when I'm off work, in case I get ill.

I would suggest that you start by making something simple like lentil soup. You have a few recipes in our Recipe Section. Good luck !
I would suggest that you start by making something simple like lentil soup. You have a few recipes in our Recipe Section. Good luck !

Thanks. I will try during this week. I have both green and red lentils at home, but never uses them. They are just pretty in a glas jar here. :p
I love red lentils. They are my favorite. :)
They cook a lot faster so you have to be careful or they turn to mush.
I love red lentils. They are my favorite. :)
They cook a lot faster so you have to be careful or they turn to mush.
My faves as well. An Indian market near me has lots of mysterious lentils of different colors and long names that I love also. The bright yellow ones are really good.
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It's been a bit up and down. I've been ill a period after I changed the diet, but that's just a coincidence.

The hardest thing is at work. A few nights I've brought too little food with me, and there is very hard getting any vegan food at nights if I don't shop before midnight. The night open shop has really bad selection on fruits and greens. There a couple of smoothies sold, but either it's milk in them, or I'm allergic to them. So I had a couple of nights I had to get some food with dairy products in. But I've been better at taking with me enought food now (better too much, than too little).

Going away a weekend was really hard too. Since people don't know how to cook vegan food. So I need to pack with me good food to snack on during the days I'm away.

I've started to be better at my beans too, and dared to taste a couple of types, and started to use quiona. :)

The best thing is that those days I've been really good at my food, and eaten only vegan food, I've been much better too. :)
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It's been a bit up and down. I've been ill a period after I changed the diet, but that's just a coincidence.

The hardest thing is at work. A few nights I've brought too little food with me, and there is very hard getting any vegan food at nights if I don't shop before midnight. The night open shop has really bad selection on fruits and greens. There a couple of smoothies sold, but either it's milk in them, or I'm allergic to them. So I had a couple of nights I had to get some food with dairy products in. But I've been better at taking with me enought food now (better too much, than too little).

Going away a weekend was really hard too. Since people don't know how to cook vegan food. So I need to pack with me good food to snack on during the days I'm away.

I've started to be better at my beans too, and dared to taste a couple of types, and started to use quiona. :)

The best thing is that those days I've been really good at my food, and eaten only vegan food, I've been much better too. :)

I've never been to Scandinavia but a friend told me that food is very expensive over there.

Planning and having snacks and food on hand is very important when you want to follow a specific diet. Prehaps you could keep a tin of beans, nuts and a pouch of cooked cereal ( don't know whether they are available in Norway ) at work for a quick meal ? Dry fruit is also a very handy snack.

I also tried to have a 100% vegan diet for a few months but just couldn't do it. There are very few vegan options overhere and nobody will cater for a vegan when you are invited. I felt very left out last year when I was invited to a Christmas party as there was only one single thing that I could eat ; nuts !!!

It is very positive that you are feeling better on your new diet and this will also give you more incentive to follow it. I didn't feel too good on a vegan diet and felt that my sugar levels where low.

Well done and tx for your update Mikkel.
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Planning and having snacks and food on hand is very important when you want to follow a specific diet. Prehaps you could keep a tin of beans, nuts and a pouch of cooked cereal ( don't know whether they are available in Norway ) at work for a quick meal ? Dry fruit is also a very handy snack.

:yes: Definitely a good idea to keep food with you. I know someone who takes nuts and a bottle of spicy sauce with her everywhere so even if she can only buy a salad she can make a meal with it.:)

I felt very left out last year when I was invited to a Christmas party as there was only one single thing that I could eat ; nuts !!!

The same thing happened to me when I had been vegan about a month, all I could eat at a Christmas party was ready salted crisps.:fp:
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:yes: Definitely a good idea to keep food with you. I know someone who takes nuts and a bottle of spicy sauce with her everywhere so even if she can only buy a salad she can make a meal with it.:)

The same thing happened to me when I had been vegan about a month, all I could eat at a Christmas party was ready salted crisps.:fp:

I felt very misreable as everyone was enjoying all the Christmas treats and I felt like I was like a prisoner fed on bread and water.
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I have no posibilities to heat food at work. Or, we have a microwave oven, but it lookes like someone exploded a road kill in it. And I don't want that old meat drip into my food (And I don't bother to clean up after other peoples mess, as no one else cares about it).

At work I bring nuts, raw proteinbars, smoothies, rice/soyamilk, berries, fruits (both fresh and dried) and greens. And it goes excellent, just as long as I bring enogh. And water of cause. And it's easy to eat in the car too.

I think I have to bring some canned beans, make hummus and proteinbars when I travel. Since enogh calories, and proteins are the biggest problems for people to make. All vegans just eat sallad you know. :p And some spicy sauce was a good idea!

I don't think we get food at Christmas at work anymore, but since I never get food, that won't bother me. I hope they want me to complain about it, so I can say why I should do that, when I don't even get food. :p At home we will have a vegan Chistmas (celebrated the 27th, since I'm working the 24th. :p )
As you live in a country where you have very cold weather prehaps it would be a good idea to make chillis with seitan and stews with dumplings ? You could also invest in one of those travelling jugs and have hot meals on the go.
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It's not going very well for me. I get too low on the proteins, and have had problems with beeing extreamly dizzy and lacking energy. I tried to take back milk and eggs for a short while, and I got better. So I belive it's the proteins + a bit too low on the calories. Some people I talked to is obvious that it's only because it't impossible to live like a vegan, and I should start to eat at least fish again. But I'm not. I'm back as a vegetarian now, but I'm not giving up. I just have to think different... I feel like this for the moment:


I know where to get my proteins, I just have to eat more obvious... It's a bit frustrating in fact.
It's not going very well for me. I get too low on the proteins, and have had problems with beeing extreamly dizzy and lacking energy. I tried to take back milk and eggs for a short while, and I got better. So I belive it's the proteins + a bit too low on the calories. Some people I talked to is obvious that it's only because it't impossible to live like a vegan, and I should start to eat at least fish again. But I'm not. I'm back as a vegetarian now, but I'm not giving up. I just have to think different... I feel like this for the moment:


I know where to get my proteins, I just have to eat more obvious... It's a bit frustrating in fact.

I'm sorry to hear that you have been feeling unwell.

I was also under the impression that you weren't getting enough protein and calories from your food. I did mention that you should be adding extra protein to some of your meals.

I also tried to have a vegan diet and did not eat any eggs or dairy for a few months but it didn't work for me neither. The extra carbs make me hungry and I have more migraines as a result.

I really think that it really works down to individual tolerance. Some people do well on a vegan diet and others fail. I know that if I ate some of the vegan meals on a daily basis that some members do, I would not feel well.

Prehaps you could write down a few examples of your daily meals and some members could help you improve your calorie/protein intake.