Hey, I got here about two seconds before you did.
as a senior member to you (senior yes), i'm welcoming you. you don't have to always swim upstream My Little Pooty.
Strange - I thought 90 came before 93. Could I have been wrong all these years?
Mulpy! I am most pleased by your presence!
dementia and alzheimers' sucks. HI, I"M UNOVEGAN FROM VB. can you hear me?I don't know. I'm old and confused. I need help.
Could you speak up, young man?! I don't know how you can expect me to understand what you're saying when you constantly mumble.
can you read lips? cochlear implants are helpful. oh, i saw a cane on craig's list. i'll inquire.
My eyesight's going too.
If you're buying me a cane, I want one with a hidden sword tip. A hiding spot for a cache of poison in the handgrip would be a plus.
Mlp, how do we know that you're the real mlp, and haven't been kidnapped and supplanted by an impostor?