Yeah, good point! Also, you know what gets on my nerves? Speed limits. If I was gonna crash into something, I wouldn't be driving a car, now, would I? The government should trust me to be responsible. I mean, sure, some people end up hitting pedestrians or buildings or even other cars, killing themselves and/or others in the process, and that is incredibly tragic. But at the end of the day, we need our freedom. We need to abolish road signs, stoplights, speed limits, paint lines... how much hard-earned taxpayer money does the government waste on maintaining those anyway? This is just logic.
Imagine all the maneuvers you could pull off on a road with no phony government rules! Everyone would get everywhere a lot faster and on time. Accidents are just an unfortunate side-effect. We already have car accidents now, even with "government regulations." Obviously that means government regulations really don't do anything.
Oh, and driver's licenses! What the hell is up with that? Do I need a license to ride a bike? Hell no. Why should this be any different? It's more dangerous? That's just the risk we take living our lives. Why should the government be telling me how to drive my car? The constitution doesn't even mention cars.
End of massive sarcasm. Have I made my point? There are restrictions on the things we do every day for a reason, to prevent dangerous situations. You can argue that we'd be more free without any law. You can take that as far as you want, until it becomes totally absurd, because it already was absurd to begin with, just not as overtly.
Your statement is exaggeration, but even so, I'd happily treat everyone like eight-year-olds if it meant preventing even one more of these horrifying shootings. Any day.