Have You Become Your Parents?

Amy SF

Dweller in nature
Jun 4, 2012
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I'm liek, in Cali, dude.
  1. Vegetarian
Oh, I know. You say to yourself, "I'm not going to turn into my mother" or "I'm not going to be like my father". And then you find yourself doing or saying or even just thinking something that your mum or dad would do or say. You've become your parents or more like your parents than you care to admit.

Like, take me on Saturday night, when we were at my sister's house for Chanukah. A bunch of us, including my mother, were sitting in the living room fussing over my great-nephew. A cup of water was sitting VERY close to the edge of the coffee table, and I instinctively reached over to push it in so it wouldn't get knocked off the table. I could hear my mother tell me to move the cup. Only thing was, although she was sitting right there next to me, but she didn't actually SAY anything. She said it to me so often my whole life that she didn't need to say it anymore. It's permanently imprinted in my brain. :p

Then there was the time we were visiting my aunt's house. This was after my father (my aunt's brother) had passed away. My aunt has a large round gate at the entrance to her property. It used to be painted bright blue, which I liked because it stood out, but it had faded a lot over time, and my aunt showed no interest in having it repainted. On that day we visited, I mentioned to my aunt without thinking that it was time to repaint her gate. Her only response was, "I don't think you have any idea how much you're like your father." In other words, I said exactly the kind of thing my dad would have said to his sister. :p
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Lol! None of us think we are going to be like our parents, but genetics does come out!

When my kids were young, they were yelling in the back seat of the car, and I looked over my sunglasses into the rear view mirror all seriously to tell them to keep the noise down. I happened to glance in the mirror, and my face was my mom's! :shudder, lol:

Not that I physically looked exactly like my mom, but the whole expression and words I was using...
Kinda yes, and mostly no.

The kinda yes part:

My mom is super silly sometimes and talks to my Dad and us kids in the same voice you would baby-talk a puppy or kitten. I used to be super annoyed by that and thought it was uber stupid. Nowadays, I catch myself talking like that to my cat...AND to my SO. I am trying to stop.

The mostly no part:
They are quite religious and it's a HUGE part of their life and identity. I am not religious at all but find other belief systems interesting.
Like, take me on Saturday night, when we were at my sister's house for Chanukah. A bunch of us, including my mother, were sitting in the living room fussing over my great-nephew. A cup of water was sitting VERY close to the edge of the coffee table, and I instinctively reached over to push it in so it wouldn't get knocked off the table. I could hear my mother tell me to move the cup. Only thing was, although she was sitting right there next to me, but she didn't actually SAY anything. She said it to me so often my whole life that she didn't need to say it anymore. It's permanently imprinted in my brain. :p

This. But more because I am super clumsy. I get anxious because my SO will place empty glasses by the sink, near the edge of the counter. When he's not looking, I put them in the sink or just closer to the wall.
Well ...

My dad is an irritating opinionated old git who takes great delight in winding people up.

I can quite safely say that I am absolutely nothing like him.
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I think I took after my stepfather more than my biological father, though that's more in the sense of skills I learned from him rather than any sort of mentality I shared with him. As an ardent supporter of the Alaskan wolf hunts, I doubt he would have even been able to comprehend my decision to go vegetarian. The stuff I learned from him certainly played a huge role in making me who I am, though.
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Sadly, no.

Despite their faults and flaws I would say that they are better persons than myself.
To some extent, maybe. The older I get the more I see my mom when I look in the mirror. I have her Susie Homemaker qualities but I think I'm more flexible/tolerant than she was.
not only my parents .... but also more my siblings
i see my brothers in mirror and even sometimes when I'm talking to someone i suddenly realize how close to my brothers my tone is
it feels wierdly wonderful and sad because one of my brothers has left us for 2 years and i've missed him so much ....!
not only my parents .... but also more my siblings
i see my brothers in mirror and even sometimes when I'm talking to someone i suddenly realize how close to my brothers my tone is
it feels wierdly wonderful and sad because one of my brothers has left us for 2 years and i've missed him so much ....!
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not only my parents .... but also more my siblings
i see my brothers in mirror and even sometimes when I'm talking to someone i suddenly realize how close to my brothers my tone is
it feels wierdly wonderful and sad because one of my brothers has left us for 2 years and i've missed him so much ....!
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