When I was homeless I was rejected by every state run program at DSHS from EBT to Healthcare because I worked and was going to school. I told them I was literally starving (1 week without food) and while I was crying they literally handed me a list of churches. They tore up my applications in front of me and offered me condoms (I was celibate.) Churches would literally put toiletries and food on the hood of my car while I was sleeping in it. I figured out really fast who really cared about me.
I don't forget my life debts. The church kept me feed, clothed, let me sleep on church property, provided me showers and meals. Even the cultish denominations showed me nothing but grace.
See, I had to run away from home to save myself 20 sth years ago. No friends, no family, no support. No money. No home. For 2 years. I worked 2 jobs at the same time just to pay the rent for a room. Rooms were ratholes. I had barely enough money left to buy sanitary pads when needed and a loaf of bread and small butter. That is all I ate every week. 1 loaf of bread. 1 butter. For 2 years. Over 2 years. I couldn't afford any fruit or vegetables, rice, pasta,... I didn't have a warm cooked meal for over 2 years. I was starving. I was 40 pounds under my target weight. I was a skeleton. But...since I am not baptized no church helped me.
Last year I was in a real dire straits. I turned to church for help. Nothing.
Later the same year I experienced a great shock in my life. The past came crawling back. I couldn't stop crying. I went to church. For the first time in my life I attended a mass. The whole time tears were running down my cheeks. I was trying to hide them, but I ran out of tissues and I just cried. The church was full. Not a single person noticed. Not a single person offered support. I waited for the end of the mass. When everyone left, I spoke to the minister. For a few minutes. I told him I had nobody to turn to. I needed advice. He listen for a while. Then he had to leave because it was his dinner time. He did quickly bless me only after I said I would consider coming to classes for baptism for adults months later.
Regardless of that. I have tried many times to read the Bible after turning vegan.
Every single time I get so angry at God, Bible,... From the very start, God was the one who turned animals into what they are for people today. Worthless soulless, emotionless peaces of food. God was the first killer. He not only promoted killing animals, he caused Cain to kill Able. And then he put all the responsibility and blame on Cain and chased him away. God is almighty. God knows and sees everything. Why didn't he save Abel's life?
Ah, because Eve ate the forbidden apple. God is not a sane person!
If God exists he:
1. is not almighty at all and he lost control of what he created. He is weak. To cover that up he blames people's nature for all his failures. An, yes, the devil. Hmmm. Isn't he supposed to be stronger than devil? Since he created everything, didn't he create devil as well? Why would he do that? To punish a foolish young girl for taking an apple after he told her not to?!?! Come on!
He teaches forgiveness. Where is his?! According to his behavior, all parents of kids, especially teenagers should be allowed to kill or severely punish their kids the first time and every time they disobey. According to the human role model, the creator himself - God- parents should destroy their kids' lives and even punish further generations every time a child disobeys.
2.he is a mean, vindictive, childish, unreasonable, egotistical narcissistic being, which demands people not to be all he is and demands from them to be all he isn't - loving, straight forward, forgiving, sheltering, protective, good,... He behaves like a spoiled brat.
For everything that he does wrong or that we question about him, he found the perfect answer to shut us up: God works in mysterious ways.
Oh God, what a sad joke!
According to the original story:
Abel, a shepherd, offered the Lord the firstborns of his flock. Cain offered fruit and vegetables he had produced. The Lord respected Abel's sacrifice but did not respect that offered by Cain. In a jealous rage,
Cain murdered Abel. Cain then became a fugitive.....
God-animal friendly????
God forgiving?
God a good role model?
God empathetic?
God vegan friendly?
Can you please explain how can anyone believe in God. And especially if one is a vegan. How can any sane intelligent ethical vegan believe in God? Please enlighten me. I must be missing something. I must be wrong about something.
Just turn on the world news. How does the father, the almighty and the righteous allow all that?
Because he gave people freedom to do whatever they want to do. What a bull ****! What a sadistic way to show he is powerless or maybe that is the proof that he doesn't exist.
In Serbia, a 13 year-old kid walks into a classroom and kills 9 of his classmates, a janitor and shoots a school teacher and more kids. He and all 9 kids were religious. Everyone was. Their parents as well.
I wonder what idiotic, intelligence insulting excuse for God one can find in this situation. Where was he? What was he doing? 9 of his believers and followers lost their lives for no reason at all. By their classmate who also comes from a religious family. Parents and siblings are crushed. Their lives will never be the same. Why didn't he protect his children, his followers?
Maybe the God is not the one churches and religions promote. The Bible was written by humans. The religions created by people. If you claimed today you talked to God or that he is your son's dad, you would be diagnosed psychotic, schizophrenic. Just over 2000years ago you became the respected law and rules maker and leader.
My definition of what a God should be like is : pure love, positive energy, pure forgiveness, protective, supporting, caring. Never threatning, never punishing.
True God - people would never be afraid of him. They would strive to be like him. At times of failure he would offer comfort and understanding.
No negative stuff.
The God church talks about is not vegan friendly. No animal and no human will ever find salvation in him or Jesus.
The God I described as my vision is vegan and animal friendly. Pure love.
To each their own. I would just love to find out how can a person be vegan and religious at the same time?