How bad is the coronavirus?

Omnivores are not interested in something twice the price made of pea protein and coconut oil. It's mainly newbie vegans and flexan's drifting over there, which may make them decide to actually buy some meat instead.
Not too many long term vegans in this world so that makes sense. Non vegans enjoy vegan alternatives too, they just won't transition. It's not just for non vegans or newbie vegans, there's no rule saying you have to give up meat alternatives after a certain amount of days.
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Not too many long term vegans in this world so that makes sense. Non vegans enjoy vegan alternatives too, they just won't transition. It's not just for non vegans or newbie vegans, there's no rule saying you have to give up meat alternatives after a certain amount of days.

While vegan is ideal I tend to agree with the sentiment "better a lifelong vegetarian than a vegan for five years who goes back to eating meat."

I mean, I had this friend in LA who had been vegetarian for like 30 years, since she was in her 20s. She raised her children vegetarian, and her son had never eaten meat in his life, and saw it as a non-food. She ate many totally plant-based meals or vegan products, and she refused to use gelatin or wear leather for ethical reasons. She even donated to PETA. I believe that woman did the earth and animals more good than someone living off of green smoothies and raw fruit for two years until they ran away from plant-based diets screaming.
While vegan is ideal I tend to agree with the sentiment "better a lifelong vegetarian than a vegan for five years who goes back to eating meat."

I mean, I had this friend in LA who had been vegetarian for like 30 years, since she was in her 20s. She raised her children vegetarian, and her son had never eaten meat in his life, and saw it as a non-food. She ate many totally plant-based meals or vegan products, and she refused to use gelatin or wear leather for ethical reasons. She even donated to PETA. I believe that woman did the earth and animals more good than someone living off of green smoothies and raw fruit for two years until they ran away from plant-based diets screaming.
I hate the idea of restricting even further than "no animal products", meat alternatives aren't animal products.
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While vegan is ideal I tend to agree with the sentiment "better a lifelong vegetarian than a vegan for five years who goes back to eating meat."

Don't you hate when a celebrity or "influencer" stops being vegan and has to tell the whole world that veganism was making them _________. Like Miley Cypress who said it was wrecking her brain.

I did a quick google search to find a few more examples. Unfortunately, I found over a dozen. Most of these people I never knew were vegan in the first place.

Don't you hate when a celebrity or "influencer" stops being vegan and has to tell the whole world that veganism was making them _________. Like Miley Cypress who said it was wrecking her brain.

I did a quick google search to find a few more examples. Unfortunately, I found over a dozen. Most of these people I never knew were vegan in the first place.

What is really unfortunate with "influencers" is that many weren't even sincerely vegan, but rather "on a diet" because plant-based was a trendy way to lose weight. These people (often women but not always) cite that are clearly related to a starvation-level consumption of calories, or other types of restrictions that have nothing to do with being vegan. One male I can think of was doing intermittent fasting on top of being a WFPB low-fat vegan and he looked like he had anorexia. He started to have a nervous breakdown after eating only once a day for close to a year. The women generally are on these raw fruit diets, or if their diet is more varied, it's still extremely restrictive and they never splurge on treats or veggie burgers for YEARS. If someone says their brain instantly starting working better by eating an egg or fish, what I interpret is a diet that was either too low in calories or too low in fat or both.

There's at least 25 of these people between YouTube and Instagram. Their common factor is pretty much always an extremely restrictive diet.

The ones that make me really mad though are the ones who are clearly just in it for the money. Alyse Parker, for example, brands herself as a "life coach." After claiming to be vegan for the animals and health for around 4-5 years, she not only added eggs back to her diet, but also fish. She didn't even stop at pescatarian. She eventually highly publicized her month-long attempt at a "carnivore" diet where she ate nothing but flesh and eggs for a month, besides "bullet proof coffee" with butter. I consider people like Alyse to be in a completely different category all by themselves, the one that used to be highly populated by televangelist preachers who drove sports cars and begged for viewers to send them cash "for Jesus" before being busted extorting the money to a Swiss bank account by their wife who discovered their multiple infidelities. Alyse Parker is the Millennial Jim Baker, that's what I'm saying.
Don't you hate when a celebrity or "influencer" stops being vegan and has to tell the whole world that veganism was making them _________. Like Miley Cypress who said it was wrecking her brain.

I did a quick google search to find a few more examples. Unfortunately, I found over a dozen. Most of these people I never knew were vegan in the first place.

She could have got vegan alternatives, sounds like an excuse to eat fish.
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She could have got vegan alternatives, sounds like an excuse to eat fish.

Well she's a very wealthy person so she can certainly afford a top-grade algal DHA supplement if walnuts and flax seeds just weren't doing it for her.

Sometimes I see these celebrities or influencers also having identity issues. I talked about their overly-restrictive diets in my last post (which is the main culprit, other than general insincerity to begin with) but there have been a handful that CLEARLY abandoned their vegan diet after dating or marrying a meat eater, or breaking up with or divorcing a vegan. Miley Cyrus could be an example of this since she recently divorced a vegan.

I like sharing Vegan Zombie's perspective on these things. He's been vegan for 25+ years, including being a very casual vegan who ate a lot of vegan junk food up until he was about 40. He still has a fairly relaxed diet, eating more WFPB as he's getting older, but also still splurging on his favorite treats or junk foods. Furthermore, he was vegetarian for between 5-10 years before going vegan. So 30+ years without meat. He knows what he's talking about. He's also got one of those very diplomatic personalities that I lack so his arguments are more tolerable to the sort of people who require that kind of thing.

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MOD POST- Oops, this thread has gone off topic. If you wish to continue to discuss/debate celebrities and their former vegan lifestyle and or plant based meat options, there are other threads in the relevant forums i.e. Food & Drink & Vegan where you can do so.

Thank You!
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To answer the question directly..I don't know exactly how bad COVID-19 is, but I'd rather err on the side of caution and assume it's bad. I've heard of many people who were otherwise healthy die from it. In my area, it's only a 6% death rate, but I don't see the need to unnecessarily roll the dice.

Even if you don't die, you can be sick for 3-4 weeks, which is a long time to be out of work.

Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience, and does not trample on my 1st amendment rights.
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To answer the question directly..I don't know exactly how bad COVID-19 is, but I'd rather err on the side of caution and assume it's bad. I've heard of many people who were otherwise healthy die from it. In my area, it's only a 6% death rate, but I don't see the need to unnecessarily roll the dice.

Even if you don't die, you can be sick for 3-4 weeks, which is a long time to be out of work.

Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience, and does not trample on my 1st amendment rights.

As has been pointed out by numerous doctors and health experts, the gen pop may have only a 1 - 2% fatality rate. but what about the immune system compromised? Seniors? cancer patients? It's much higher. I've even seen projected fatality rates in the teens for those. So You may not even feel ill but how will feel when your grandma dies?

Plus even if you live, depending on how ill you were there can be long-lasting after-effects. Heart and lung damage, nerve damage, and brain damage.

Then there that thing about many viruses causing cancer down the road.

It is much better just Not to get it.
We have a friend who was in China in January and picked up what we now believe was coronavirus. It was undiagnosed at the time but the symptoms were classic. She still has bad headaches and occasional breathing problems to this day. Unlike food poisoning, although there is a lot you can do to mimimize vulnerability, there are so many unknown factors. I can almost guarantee that I will not get salmonella or e-coli by proper hygiene and cooking properly but despite taking almost obsessive precautions, coronavirus still scares hell out of me. We shouldn't ever treat it as not dangerous because it is. It certainly is.