I do agree that veganism is more than diet, but unfortunately what you describe is an issue of many vegans having unrealistic expectations about others who don't conform exactly to their views. This often crosses the line into intolerance and aggression, which seems to manifest itself in trying to prove who is more vegan than the next vegan. I mean wtf? Many guilty of this, even on this forum. An attitude that should never be normalised and accepted.
This is where Slonaut is much more realistic, in the assertion that caring and trying to make a difference towards change in a positive way is more effective than boasting about how enlightened we are supposedly are. We are all humans and we none of us have a clue, other than the reality that we perceive, albeit all slightly differently.
I know that many vegans here were once vegetarians and even meat eaters (please dont say carnists). Were they all deserving of being given derogatory labels, accused of stupidity and ignorance, and patronised/belittled before they made the change to veganism? I think not. There is a kinder way of being.
These are the words of a vegan. I don’t understand why you say veganism is bad for you. You are clearly vegan through and through, whether you accept that about yourself or not. Yes, there is a kinder way of being. Among other things, it includes avoiding causing harm to other living beings by supporting industries that profit from hurting both humans and animals. Veganism does not have to involve being holier-than-thou. In fact, it can be a deeply humble attitude of personally doing one’s best to reduce animal suffering while respecting that others may be at a different place in their lives.
I, too, dislike vegans who go around lecturing others and acting superior. Too many vegans (at least the loudest ones) seem to care more about their own imagined superiority than about animals. But I don’t see that as a reason not to be vegan. On the contrary, I embrace veganism because I believe I am as legitimate a vegan as they are. I refuse to let them define the term “vegan”. Over time, as veganism becomes mainstream, such people will become an increasingly small minority.
Good luck in your journey, wherever it takes you.