I want to become vegan but is it possible with allergies?

Katie Partington

Feb 8, 2018
Reaction score
Leicester UK
  1. Vegan newbie
Hi :) I really want to become vegan but i have a lot of allergies. I'm anaphylactic to Sunflower, sesame, linseed, mustard. I'm allergic to all other types of seeds like cumin and rapeseed and vanilla. This includes oils and lecithins.
I also have noticed I can't have multi vitamins and most vitamins drops ect.
My 1 and a half year old is already eating a lot of vegan food but I've noticed I can't eat most of it. Even her soya milk/coconut milk/almond milk all have sunflower in :(

Im a very busy person, 23 work, uni and have a 6, 1 and 7 month old. Great thing is I LOVE to cook and when kids go to there dad at the weekend I batch cook loads, I make my own bread ect.

when I found out I was allergic 4 years ago I stopped eating most food over night due to anaphylaxis shock. I got very poorly due to diet change and passed out a lot due to not enough protein, iron ect.

Most recipes I've seen include seeds and was wondering if its possible to do this and actually enjoy it and not just live on fresh salad and veg?

So the stuff I've noticed are...
Can't drink alpro almond milk ect
Can't eat seeds
No pastries or jarred sauces
No ready made food like vegan sausage rolls, nuggets ect.
Can't find any multi vitamins :(
Can't eat tofurky
Can't eat battered or breaded food
Can't eat 'ham' 'pork sausage' 'beef burgers'
Can't have margarine

My daughter is allergic to Oats and dairy as well :( :(

I'm so used to cooking Shepard's pies n big family meals but I just can't do it no more.
:( :( :(
You can make beans and rice. Quinoa, potatoes, frozen vegetables and pasta. Focus on what you can have rather than what you can't. Are you allergic to peanuts? If not you can have peanut butter sandwiches. You can make your own veggie burgers with lentils or garbanzo beans.
All the foods you mentioned above I hardly eat as I tend to shy away from pre-fabricated foods because all of the extra additives that I can't control (I also had diagnosed food allergies a few years ago that thankfully have lessened with time). I use to be allergic to wheat, soy, nightshade vegetables, almonds, chocolate, eggs, seafood etc.... so I'm used to reading the label and feeling defeated.

I had to get really creative and experiment to see what I could eat, what tasted good and was easy to make. Since going vegan I can happily say that nearly all of my allergies and intolerance have cleared up.
As you have an anaphylactic reaction I wouldn't tell you to start eating all of these things again but just food for thought.

Are you allergic to soy products? You can make tofu friend rice, bake and season your own tofu in the oven and serve it with carb of your choice. I also reccomend making hearty soups with lots of beans, potatoes & veggies.
Homemade baked macaroni and "cheese" with the pasta of your choice.
You can make buddah bowls, Tex -mex bowls the list can go on and on.

If you can make it with your own 2 hands and see what goes into your food you should be OK :)