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Filibuster was broken. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/25/wendy-davis-abortion_n_3500359.html?1372219105
Prop 8 and DOMA are dead.
I am very happy it does, however I am seeing some so called Christians and other reliogous closed minded people commenting on it and saying its about to bring judgement upon our country , I really hate those types of people and I am changing my beliefs around again.http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/26/us-usa-court-gaymarriage-idUSBRE95P06W20130626
Prop 8 and DOMA are dead.
The Supreme Court’s decision to kill DOMA will not affect the legality of same-sex marriage anywhere in the United States. Gay marriage will remain a state-by-state decision. The change means that the federal government will now follow each state’s individual definition of marriage. The elimination of DOMA, says Glaad, “will mean the federal government has to recognize the legal marriages of same-sex couples. Such a ruling will not require any state to legalize marriage equality that has not already done so.”
Also, in other news, Texas is scheduled to carry out its 500th execution this evening, and its governor, Rick Perry, the dude who recently claimed to value all life, will allow it to happen.
Congress caves to the livestock industry, stops promoting weekly vegetarian menu options.