In the news

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The gallery was just cheering, but I don't know why. Moments earlier they were booing. Don't know why.
"AP and CBS calling it passed. Twitter is calling it ********. CNN calling muffins fattening."
The vote took place at 12:02, they claim it happened at 11:58, which was impossible with the commotion going on. I was watching. :yes:
The dude who chaired the SB5 vote's Wikipedia entry:

What the death of DOMA means:
The Supreme Court’s decision to kill DOMA will not affect the legality of same-sex marriage anywhere in the United States. Gay marriage will remain a state-by-state decision. The change means that the federal government will now follow each state’s individual definition of marriage. The elimination of DOMA, says Glaad, “will mean the federal government has to recognize the legal marriages of same-sex couples. Such a ruling will not require any state to legalize marriage equality that has not already done so.”
So on the surface it may look like a balanced decision. If another state wants to ban gay marriage, there is no federal law overriding the ban. (It may end up in court, but that's another matter.) But if a state wants to legalize gay marriage, the federal govt has to recognize it.

However, to homophobes, it's probably the worst decision the SCOTUS ever made. Anything that favors gays in even a small way is, literally, a disaster of biblical proportions, in their opinion.

So buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride of homophobes and conservatives ranting and raving about all of this in the days to come.
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