Needs a life
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People are idiots.^ Awful.
On a lighter note, I saw this story yesterday about a couple who wanted a barn owl to fly in the church carrying their rings for them on their wedding day but the owl flew up to the rafters and fell asleep instead.
Barn owl at wedding due to deliver rings flies off and falls asleep in church rafters - Mirror Online
People are idiots.
What did they expect from a wild animal? When most couples want a non-human ringbearer, they usually have a dog do it.
Update: She's been found.
The dogs who worked with Prince William were killed after he left his job in search and rescue because of 'veterinary and behavioural issues.'
Why was the MoD so quick to destroy dogs that guarded William? Prince's horror after animals were put down days after he quit RAF | Mail Online
Animal lover?? He hunts. Oh, that's right, some animals are pets, some are for killing.Base workers pointed out they had been very popular and said animal-lover William – who has a dog of his own – may also have been shocked by their fate. Queen good deed goes viral
A Minnesota Dairy Queen worker catches a patron stealing from a visually impaired customer and instantly jumps into action. What happens next gained him international acclaim.
Found by clicking on link above
Haha. Ooops!
I think people should be allowed to make non-PC jokes amongst people who wouldn't be offended.
I'm a bit suspicious of the media trying to stir up trouble. Are we just supposed to live in a coke and pepsi democracy, with a slice of liberal democrat....? That has worked so well over the years. men are dead after pulling guns on each other during a road rage incident on Wednesday night.
Police said the dispute began when one car was tailgating another in the Michigan town of Ionia, population 11,400.
Both drivers pulled into the parking lot of a local car wash and stepped out of their vehicles, according to ABC affiliate WZZM-TV. Witnesses said the tailgating driver fired first, and the other driver returned fire.
When ambulances arrived, the men -- Ionia residents James Pullam, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 -- were given medical care and transported to a local hospital, where they were pronounced dead, Detroit News reported.
Both men fired handguns and had valid licenses to carry concealed weapons, according to authorities, Detroit News said...
I would like to thank both of them for making the streets just a little bit safer for the rest of us.