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Apparently an anti-war letter was sent to Obama. 43 Democrats out of 200 signed it(119 Republicans out of 232). It's sad that a President's party has such a big influence on whether politicians oppose war or not. None of the parties that are anti-war have a chance at winning, so we're stuck with two parties that have no problem with war.
It was a clean bill until the Republicans added the ACA defunding language. It would have passed with no issues, no drama and no news coverage if the Republicans hadn't added it to the bill. It seems straight forward to me. I don't know how else to say this.

If it had been the Democrats who added language to an otherwise clean bill, that resulted in a gov't shutdown, it would have been the Democrats fault.
These spending budget bills are going to bankrupt the nation. The debt we have is insurmountable, and we can't just keep printing money and borrowing it from other nations! It must stop.
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