The Fire That Burns Within
Can you imagine the "shipping cost" involved in getting a package from a drone? They have to recover the cost of development, and the customer will pay for it. Pay for it dearly.
Great story.Anyone remember 'News of the Weird'?
The co-CEO of the company that puts out Archie Comics, Nancy Silberkleit, seems to be qualifying:
- New York Daily News
If the chemo was making her sick, it's probably not the chemo that helped her if she's cured.
Great story.
So scary to think a government could force surgery on you, and take and keep your baby.
Pregnant Woman Forcibly Sedated And Baby Taken From Womb
If the chemo was making her sick, it's probably not the chemo that helped her if she's cured.
Her parents should be allowed to dictate what to do regarding their own child.
Why I'm eating my words on veganism – again | George Monbiot | Comment is free |
Hmm, I just saw this, George Monbiot changes his mind about veganism again.
This is getting ridiculous.The NSA spied/is spying on online gamers, especially via World of Warcraft, Second Life, and Xbox Live. I'd say that this is getting pathetic, but I believe that threshold was crossed a long time ago.
Orc And Dagger: U.S. Reportedly Spied On Gamers Online
An other good news from Norway. It's stupid that we don't have English papers, but Google translate will give you something to laugh about at least (I have a lot of joy when I use it for Finish articles.).
Link to the article.
This is about palmoil. I guess you all know that palmoil are neither good for you health, nor the rainforrest.
Norway is one of the contries this has really been put in focus, and we have redused the use of palmoil quite a much. In 2011 we used 15 000 tonn. In 2012 only 5000 tonn. The number for 2013 are not ready yet, but it is still redusing. A lot of brands have taken out the palmoil from their products totaly, and several other have starting to reduse it quite much, with the goal to stop using it at all. Some are of cause clinging to their palmoil, and one of the brands (not mentioned in the article) are produsing baby food.
From 2014 it will not be leagal to camoflage palmoil in products by calling them "vegetabile oil" og "vegetabile fat"
One of the biggest brand on produsing palmoils, "Wilmar" ,have sign a manifest that comitt them not contribute to more deforestation, build on peat ground and no more taking advantage of humans and local societies. Wilmar is behind 45% of the palmoil tradings.
It shows that the force we have as customers is big, and we can be a part of the changes to the industry!
We need less religious symbols on public property, not in zero.
Hemant Mehta, who writes for the Friendly Atheist blog, said the Hindus’ request would likely put Oklahoma lawmakers in a legal and political bind.
“If the Commission votes yes on the proposal, conservatives will flip out,” Mehta wrote. “If they vote no, they’re just inviting a lawsuit. This is beautiful."