Apparently, love won't keep them together.
They've been using that line all day on TV, lol.
Apparently, love won't keep them together.
:sad nod:BBC News - India: Woman gang-raped on orders of 'kangaroo court'
Stories like this make me rage. Sickening beyond belief.
BBC News - India: Woman gang-raped on orders of 'kangaroo court'
Stories like this make me rage. Sickening beyond belief.
Mike Huckabee on women's right to NOT have birth control coverage, or The Ballad of Uncle Sugar:
I hear you. I don't know where we have gone wrong as a society. This sort of thinking was just not on my radar. I so hear you on the home invasion thing. Being single has actually kept me from wanting to buy a home, not that that is the only thing. Families are invaded, too. I don't know. I think of Bill Cosby's son, who was carjacked. He had a pricey car. It's almost not worth having anything of value for fear of it leading to robbery or a home invasion. When I go to NYC, I dress like a bum, I swear. No jewelry, no fancy clothes, etc. It's sad that I can't enjoy the things I've earned for fear of them being taken by violence. It started with kids' jacking other kids' sneakers about what, 15 years ago or so? There's been a breakdown in everything from civility to manners to I don't know what. There is a sense of entitlement like I've never seen before, and tons of envy. I won't even take my iPad on public transportation for fear of being followed and robbed. It's crazy.I feel the same way.I literally see danger everywhere I go. I feel like anything can happen at any no longer matters if you live in a so-called safe area. Evil is now everywhere. I especially fear the whole home invasion thing.
In most places in the US, violent crime has plummeted in the past few decades except in a few very poor inner cities.I feel the same way.I literally see danger everywhere I go. I feel like anything can happen at any no longer matters if you live in a so-called safe area. Evil is now everywhere. I especially fear the whole home invasion thing.