Is honey vegan?

It's not vegan to be fat because then you wear out shoes faster and most shoes aren't vegan so you're contributing to animal suffering by being fat.
It's not vegan to be fat because then you wear out shoes faster and most shoes aren't vegan so you're contributing to animal suffering by being fat.

Yes.:p Also fat vegans make a bad impression and don't inspire others to become vegan as veganism isn't an ethical way of living, it's really just a restrictive fad diet.;)
You could always ask Stephen the Vegan. Instead of "what if a monkey made me a sandwich?", it could be "what if a monkey extracted the honey?".
Noooooo!!!!!! I thought I FINALLY got away from this thread when i joined THIS board!! LOL Superhoney thread strikes again. FML
I have been foolish & deluded, & I am a bear of no brain at all.
(The bear who does eat honey.)

You are Pooh's agave eating vegan cousin!:p

For some reason the term beegan doesn't bother me as much as some other ones like flexitarian, veganist, and even seagan!!!
Honey thread, check. Spanking thread, check. The circumcision one must be on it's way.

If a circumsized monkey made me a sandwich, does that mean honey is vegan?
(I guess that's one way to work in the circumcision talk.)
If you were pregnant, and out found the baby was going to grow up to be a circumcised vegan male, who liked to eat honey while being spanked, would you get an abortion?

I think that covered all the major threads. :p
You missed the part about it being on an island with no plants and only a cow.