Is it possible to be vegan in the air force?


Apr 2, 2018
Reaction score
  1. Vegetarian
What about the other branches? I am vegetarian mostly vegan. I don't eat any meat/eggs/dairy. I have some honey in my diet. My multivitamin has gelatin. Palm oil is sometimes also included.
What about the other branches? I am vegetarian mostly vegan. I don't eat any meat/eggs/dairy. I have some honey in my diet. My multivitamin has gelatin. Palm oil is sometimes also included.
Hi there, yes it's totally possible in the Air Force. I'm not sure about other branches but a friend of mine (female if that matters) joined and ate mostly peanut butter sandwiches & fruits. Make sure you let them know your dietary preferences, they might even change some menu items for you, and that might encourage others to eat healthy/vegan as well. Good luck!
That's awesome! I was thinking they would just smirk and force you to take the MRE rations that are prepackaged and pre-prepared lol. It's good that the world is becoming more and more sensitive to alternative lifestyles.
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