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This is extremely condescending. I am a Christian because I became convinced that the Christian Gospel was the truth, not because I need an "invisible friend" and "a god who rewards or punishes us according to our behaviour" is a very simplistic and ignorant view of the Christian faith. Jesus died for us, not because we were good, but because we couldn't be good. Anyway, I'm off topic. Apologies to the OP.I am not at all sure that anyone actually goes out searching for a religion to follow. That would be a bit like desperately needing some vitamin C and spotting some Florida grapefruit in a shop. You think, “They all look good….. Mmm….. Yes….. I’ll have THAT one.”
Many individuals often think of themselves as being ever so very important and cannot imagine their complete and utter extinction. So, there must be an afterlife.
In the West there is a god who rewards or punishes us according to our behaviour. Over the centuries this has been a great tool for guiding and even politically manipulating society. “Religion is the opiate of the people.”
For the sad or the lonely or those who need certainty here is something to grasp tightly. Personally, I do not need an invisible friend to help me through.