Jesus is the Problem

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PETA has asked (repeatedly) that the Pope endorses veganism. At least for Lent.
So have some teenage girl activists.

Until the pope goes vegan - I'm not going to church. Not even on Hollidays.
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If lost gospels were found that denounced eating animals, to the point of being a sin, do you really think anyone would quit? Or would the world never even know?
Jesus is yours for the making
If lost gospels were found that denounced eating animals, to the point of being a sin, do you really think anyone would quit? Or would the world never even know?
Jesus is yours for the making
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is believed by some (and disputed by many others) to be the accurate, unaltered gospel of Jesus' teachings: Gospel of the Holy Twelve . The text portrays Jesus as a vegetarian. The premise is that the early Christian church edited Jesus' gospels to omit the vegetarian teachings, but that this original text was preserved for centuries (by the Essene community) and then later published. Gospel of the Holy Twelve: G. J. Ouseley, E. Francis Udny: 9780787311001: Books. I'm not qualified to comment on its authenticity.

There are no known surviving writings from Jesus himself; the Bible's written accounts are from his disciples (Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Matthew). There is near-consensus among biblical scholars that the Gospels were written down decades after Jesus' death. Biblical scholars also agree that the Gospels of Mark and Luke are not direct eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life.

An amazing life and story. He only taught for 3 years, but his influence is worldwide. In comparison, the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught for 20+ years, and Buddha Gautama taught for 40+ years. I'm not comparing the merits of these religions! Just very interesting things.
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The problem is human nature. We are not evolved enough as a society to stop eating animals, or for that matter, to save the planet.
We've had tofurkey for as long as I can remember, this is some computer simulation or something, you're telling me nobody could find the vegan products at Fred Meyer? What ******** is this? You cannot be that incompetent jesus
We've had tofurkey for as long as I can remember, this is some computer simulation or something, you're telling me nobody could find the vegan products at Fred Meyer? What ******** is this? You cannot be that incompetent jesus
What on earth are you ranting about? I appreciate that you endeavor to be a voice for animals, but it’d be super great if your messaging was a tick more on the articulate side.

Though it is eminently possible (and relatively easy) for every single human to make the decision to stop eating animals - the reality is that is not going to happen. The problem isn’t Jesus or this or that group - it’s that humans as a whole are selfish, ignorant, stubborn and resistant to change. IE: though humans are intelligent enough to understand there is no need to eat animals, and that we should probably stop before we destroy the planet, we’d rather kick the can down the road and let someone else deal with it.
The problem isn’t Jesus or this or that group - it’s that humans as a whole are selfish, ignorant, stubborn and resistant to change.
Ummm... 2 billion people call themselves christians, half of them catholic... how can you possibly suggest the narrative o their world view has nothing to do with moral decisions...
I was raised in a Christian Faith and I married into Baptist Faith where most are hunters. I did not like the hunting sports so i wanted to leave the Baptist church. I went to being progressive Christian when you can eat whatever you feel you need to. I am more leaning on Paganism because I feel better connecting to nature and being Vegan as a Pagan. I do believe Jesus did not care what you ate. Its the corrupted followers that forced hunting and eat animals that makes him look bad.
I do believe Jesus did not care what you ate. Its the corrupted followers that forced hunting and eat animals that makes him look bad.
How can you not care and have it be your followers that make you look bad? If they look at you as their teacher messiah shouldn't you say something if it is immoral?
I am more leaning on Paganism because I feel better connecting to nature and being Vegan as a Pagan.
I don't know anything about paganism other than the few things on wikipedia and some of the cultural stuff, lady justice is themis, athena is the goddess of the philosophers, titans are much larger (whatever that means)...

It's a deterministic religion, the three fates

I feel like it needs to try to literally describe reality if it's going to be worth my time
This thread reads as a long rant against Jesus for not talking about veganism 2,000 years ago when, let's face it, veganism wasn't really a thing. The thread is just not helpful in promoting veganism, which after all is the goal of this forum. Therefore I've decided to lock the thread.
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