Nutrition & Diet July Health Challenge

I will continue to try to eat healthy; no sugary snacks. I have to control my portions better also. I am in for the long haul on this!
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Goals for July:
-- Drop 4lbs.
-- To have done several bike rides.
-- Continue having reasonable portion control and not boredom-munching all night long.
-- Instead of having a 'treat' (ie cookie, banana muffin etc) each day, having a smoothie instead

I've been on a good track these past couple weeks, so I'm feeling confident that July will be a month of accomplishments. :) Plus it being July now just makes my trip that much closer to happening, which will hopefully scare me into making smart choices, haha.
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July goals: keep doing yoga daily no matter how hot it is. Keep meditating daily for [relative] sanity.
Do facial yoga on weekends at least.
Ride the stationary bike, don't be lazy, I know you hate it, but cardio!
Take the stupid cholesterol drug every day.
Keep up with the water drinking, and not too much beer at the family reunion!!
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My goals for July:
Continue with at least 5 days of exercise a week; work in riding my bike, now that it's all tuned up and road-ready.
Work my core more. I need to do crunches at least three days a week. I've been lax with that.
Continue drinking plenty of water.
Continue my efforts at 8 hours of sleep a night. I did it all through vacation (I needed the rest for all that hiking, lol), so I'd like to continue that. I feel so much better physically and mentally when I get at least 8 hours of shut-eye.

Off to a good start, as I did 50 minutes on the treadmill today. :)
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I'm not sure what the rules are for posting about weight loss...I don't want to trigger anyone, so I haven't posted much. So if I need to delete this, just let me know. Anyway, I've lost 7.5 pounds in 7 weeks. It's been slow, long and hard. But the best part is, it's amazing how little sugar/sugar foods I've been consuming. I used to fill the sugar bowl every few days and now it goes a lot further.

I still love the counting points thing. It really does help me to make smarter choices...and that's what it's supposed to be about...not totally depriving yourself, but making choices. Some days, when I really want that second cup of coffee, I can work it into the meal plan for that particular day. I still don't know how long I will be able to keep it up. I do find it very restrictive, but when you use the points for healthy, nourishing foods, it works. I often find myself feeling hungry but it's not the kind of hunger I get when I haven't eaten for a while, the whole shaky feeling thing, because what I am eating is sufficient for my body, just not for my mind, lol. I am, by nature, an over-eater.

The other shocker is how small actual portion sizes are. It's unbelievable, really. But it's getting easier, so, hopefully, I can stick with it. Obviously, I won't be on the weight loss part of it forever. Another seven weeks or so and I should be able to go on maintenance. Not that I trust it's going to be that much more food, lol. But pretty cool stuff.

I'm also exercising (nothing super-human) four times a week, walking and pilates. I'm hoping to kick that up a notch.
Way to go, you guys. Cerebellion, that's fantastic about the yoga and ditching the smokes, and KLS, congrats on the weight loss. That is awesome!!!! I so hear you about portion sizes. It's amazing how much less food fills me up now. I really take my time when I eat, savoring every bite. Not stopping when I was full was a big issue for me for years, and I'm hoping I'm done with that now. :D Keep up the great work, everyone!
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I am sore as all hell, but feel surprisingly good. After my current pack is done, I'm giving up the smokes, too. Maybe I can get some of my energy back. Finally...
That's, great! I hope you can quit smoking. My son keeps trying...this time around he's doing pretty good. He always does better in the summer when he can get outdoors and go hiking. And he just bought a bike from a friend. He always gets motivated to stop smoking when he gets into the health mode. Good luck to you!
I have had a very good week sleep-wise and workout-wise.
I did four videos of varying intensity plus a day on the treadmill. Tomorrow, I will ride my bike some. Happy, happy. Hope everyone has a great weekend. :)
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As you all know, everything is about Noomi and her leg now...

I still struggle with the food. I tried to go back and forth on the plant based diet, with no luck. Now I have gotten really problems again.

So my goal for July is to start to write a food diary and use the Cron-o-meter app! I have also sent a mail to a vegan nutrion expert here in Oslo to hear if she can help in during the fall. :)
As you all know, everything is about Noomi and her leg now...

I still struggle with the food. I tried to go back and forth on the plant based diet, with no luck. Now I have gotten really problems again.

So my goal for July is to start to write a food diary and use the Cron-o-meter app! I have also sent a mail to a vegan nutrion expert here in Oslo to hear if she can help in during the fall. :)

I'm sorry to hear this Mikkel. What kind of problems are you encountering ?
I'm sorry to hear this Mikkel. What kind of problems are you encountering ?

Problems with my stomack again (running on the toilet all the time for several houers after I've eaten), stomack pains, nauseous (haven't started to throw up yet, but I know I get there after a while) and my pains in muscles and joints comes back. And now fever too (that's one is quite new but I get fever very fast when something is wrong with my body). Since I get fever, I've started to think there's an inflamation somewhere in my guts that causes it. Then I stop eating, getting dizzy because of lack of food. And only eat once a day in the evenings when I'm going to be at home rest of the day. It's hopless...

So I have to start to write down every single little bit I eat, and if I get sick. Exept the gluten, all my reactions comes really fast, so I don't need to think about what I ate yesterday, but just what I've eaten on last meal.
Problems with my stomack again (running on the toilet all the time for several houers after I've eaten), stomack pains, nauseous (haven't started to throw up yet, but I know I get there after a while) and my pains in muscles and joints comes back. And now fever too (that's one is quite new but I get fever very fast when something is wrong with my body). Since I get fever, I've started to think there's an inflamation somewhere in my guts that causes it. Then I stop eating, getting dizzy because of lack of food. And only eat once a day in the evenings when I'm going to be at home rest of the day. It's hopless...

So I have to start to write down every single little bit I eat, and if I get sick. Exept the gluten, all my reactions comes really fast, so I don't need to think about what I ate yesterday, but just what I've eaten on last meal.

Have you seen a specialist and undergone any specific tests to determine the problem ?
Have you seen a specialist and undergone any specific tests to determine the problem ?
I have done several tests, and now I refuse to do any more of them. :P The latest one on gluten came back that I'm intolerant to it, but since I have lived a long time on glutenfree food, the didn't want to give me the coeliak diagnose. But I'm not that conserned about diagnoses, I just want to be healhty.
I have done several tests, and now I refuse to do any more of them. :p The latest one on gluten came back that I'm intolerant to it, but since I have lived a long time on glutenfree food, the didn't want to give me the coeliak diagnose. But I'm not that conserned about diagnoses, I just want to be healhty.

Could you make a request and be referred to another hospital or doctor ?

I do understand your frustration and annoyance but sometimes you do have do do a whole battery of tests to become healthier.
Oh, Mikkel, I am so sorry you are having so many health issues. I hope they get straightened out soon!

I have done three videos and the treadmill so far this week, and crunches twice this week, woot woot! Tomorrow I will do another video. At the moment I am hooked on Jessica Smith free workout videos. I have been doing the 40-minute ones. I really like them. I haven't done so great on sleep, lol. The last two nights I have gotten only five or so hours. Tonight I will go to bed at a reasonable hour!
I am loving these Jessica Smith videos. Today I did one that included interval training. Lots of hopping, jogging in place and arm movements. It was 32 minutes and it kicked my butt. It was awesome!! It also included standing abs work, which was a nice change from the floor crunches. I will be doing those later, though. I also want to get in a walk because the weather is perfection today! Hope everyone is having a great week. :)