I don't know if it's appropriate to advise you something that i haven't tried myself, but i also found this one. It's a pure commercial, of course, but if you're interested in Ayurvedic approach to the treatment of so-called "incurable diseases",- then you might be interested in this "COPD care pack".
Ayurvedic Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Herbal Remedies
Also posting a link to another useful article in pdf (with the list of all plants for treating pulmonary diseases - Latin names and common names). [It's downloadable]. It was written by Indian doctors. This one helped me a lot, surprisingly.
And, what about amla,- i can say, that this "magic potion" (of turmeric and black pepper) becomes more effective when i add amla to it. I'm even up to ordering a couple more jars in the Indian shop in the city.