I spent money on Monday!
First, I stopped for gas on the way to the endodontist. It was $30 and change; although it wasn't a full tank (about 3/4 of a tank), it used to cost at least $10 more for that much before gas prices dropped.
Then when I was at the endodontist, he confirmed I had to get a root canal on one of my lower molars, and went ahead and did it right then and there. It cost me $1,365.00; I don't have dental insurance. And that's not all; the dentist will likely want to put a crown on the tooth. I also have other dental problems that will need to be addressed this year, so, more money to be spent on my teeth. MUCH more. At least they validated my parking so it was free. Thank goodness for small favors, right?

(Plus, there was speculation from the dentist that I needed a root canal on a second adjoining tooth, but the endodontist looked at the x-ray and said, nope, doesn't need it. One more small favor!)
Then, after stopping at the bank to deposit a check I'd been carrying around for a week, I went next door to the supermarket and bought:
pretzels (coupon)
tortilla chips
1 box Dole tomato and vegetable soup (coupon)
1 can Del Monte seasoned vegetables (zucchini with tomatoes, coupon)
chocolate cupcakes
a 4-pack of Tejava tea
a case of Fancy Feast cat food, 30 cans
4 pouches of Fancy Feast wet cat food (coupon).
2 jugs of cat litter (coupons)
1 box of cat litter deodorizer
And probably other stuff I can't remember. Don't recall what I spent.
After I stashed the groceries in my car, I drove over to Native Foods (their entire menu is vegan, and they're expanding; if you don't have a location near you and you want one, write to them and tell them!) and bought dinner:
Chicken Run Ranch Burger
Crispy Sweet Potato Fries
Super Slaw
I can't remember what I spent on that, either. I took the food to go because I'd been out most of the day and I was tired and just wanted to get home and collapse. Of course, by the time I got home, put the groceries away, and sat down to eat, the "crispy" fries were cold and soggy. They were still good, though. The super slaw was good but a little oily, and I couldn't quite finish it, so it's in the fridge to be finished later. The sandwich was pretty good, although there was something hard in it, like wheat berries or something; by this time, the Novocaine was wearing off and the tooth that was worked on was hurting (I took ibuprofen, which helped), so every time I bit down on something hard on that side..well, needless to say I had to keep reminding myself to eat on the OTHER side.
I'm going to have to give my credit card the day off today.