I gave myself a root canal once. It was quite possibly the most painful thing I've ever done to myself on purpose. (The most painful thing I've ever done to myself was by accident - I scalded all the skin off of my calf and foot by plunging it into boiling water - but that's another story)I spent money on Monday!
First, I stopped for gas on the way to the endodontist. It was $30 and change; although it wasn't a full tank (about 3/4 of a tank), it used to cost at least $10 more for that much before gas prices dropped.
Then when I was at the endodontist, he confirmed I had to get a root canal on one of my lower molars, and went ahead and did it right then and there. It cost me $1,365.00; I don't have dental insurance. And that's not all; the dentist will likely want to put a crown on the tooth. I also have other dental problems that will need to be addressed this year, so, more money to be spent on my teeth. MUCH more. At least they validated my parking so it was free. Thank goodness for small favors, right?(Plus, there was speculation from the dentist that I needed a root canal on a second adjoining tooth, but the endodontist looked at the x-ray and said, nope, doesn't need it. One more small favor!)
Anyway..... I don't like Dentists or Orthodontists. I'm not afraid of them, as some people are, I just think that overall as a profession the majority are a bunch of money grubbing, lying scumbags - this opinion has to do with another story that I don't feel like covering here.
Okay, back to my original story... I had a tooth infection. It was swollen and hurt badly. I was considering going to a Dentist, but I really didn't want to (as covered above).
Somewhere I had gotten hold of a dental tool. It had a very sharp hooked end. I was sitting in my easy chair and poking at my swollen gum with the tool. I shoved the hooked end in between my swollen gum and my tooth, and dug down deep and hard alongside my tooth until I hooked and pulled out a hard flat object. As soon as I did this an extremely nasty tasting substance filled my mouth along with more blood (it had been already been bleeding from my digging).
I don't know what the hard object was - a slice of my tooth enamel? Some foodstuff? Some form of built up and hardened plaque? Whatever it was it was, removing it and draining the abscess provided immediate relief to my tooth ache, and afterward it healed up with no further problems. This was many years ago.
So all you need is a dental tool, to follow the above directions and you can save $1,365.00 the next time.........
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