"Lettered" T-Shirt Forum

@Joe ---- That reminded me of rick-rolling!! :rofl: Ahh, those were the days.... LMAO :p

The Urban Dictionary says:


A method in which a prankster makes a fake link to the music video of Rick Astley's Never going to give you up. To be rick rolled is to be the victim, rick rolling is the act of being the predator. The prank is considered funny because of the horrible dancing in this music video. Sometimes the bar tender is seen to be funnier. Over one million people have been rick rolled and counting.
Hey guys lets go rickrolling on the our favorite video game forums, they'll get a kick out of this!

#rickrolling#rick rolled#prank#funny#haha#internet spam
by High_Rolla_Rick August 03, 2007
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-- Charles Bukowski
On the original version of the Star Wars trilogy (on laser disc), yes, Han did shoot first. By the time the movie was put on DVD that scene was altered so one of the "bad guys" shot first.


I've only ever seen the version where he has his blaster under the table and blasts Greedo while he is still blabbing ... they changed that to have the bad guy shoot first?

Wow. Not in line with Han Solo's character..... he was smart rather than fair :D

The Urban Dictionary says:


A method in which a prankster makes a fake link to the music video of Rick Astley's Never going to give you up. To be rick rolled is to be the victim, rick rolling is the act of being the predator. The prank is considered funny because of the horrible dancing in this music video.

Do you really think the dancing was that bad?
No letters on this, but Jerry acquired this very T-shirt today & I am SO jealous. It's a skull! Made of kittens! I f*cking LOVE it!!


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