Pythagoras, I love your screen name. Now find a good avatar. Perhaps a triangle?
I'm not a huge fan of Biden/Harris but.... we are talking lesser evil here.
And it's not like cholera vs the bubonic plague.
It's like .... (oh how fitting).... the seasonal flu vs the Coronavirus.
I live in Silicon Valley. It's pretty terrific here. In general, blue states are better places to live than red states. It's a shame we are so underrepresented in the Senate. I think the population of 17 states combined just about equals our population. But we have almost fair representation in the house. And for the most part, our reps are great.
And we have money. It was a conservative court that allowed Corporations the right to free speech. It's not silicon valley's fault if they then exercise that right.
In California, we have turned the corner on the Coronavirus. Not like Trump's rural red states who are breaking records every day in new cases.
California has the fifth biggest economy in the world. Has one of the highest income per capita, one of the highest minimum wages, and better regulation of pollution than any state.
In fact, in almost every metric, blue states out perform red states. so yes I'll be voting for Democrats this election.
In comparing the quality of life between Red vs Blue states, I’ll be grouping all 23 indicators into 4 main categories: 4 Crimes Indicators, 4 Social Indicators, 7 Health Indicators 8 Economi…