Moll Flanders
Also wanted to add that there is so much talent in this thread. We have some really creative and artistic members.Great job guys!
They all look brilliant.
Also wanted to add that there is so much talent in this thread. We have some really creative and artistic members.Great job guys!
Alice, that is really beautiful. I love everything, but especially the peas in a pod and the toadstool.
So cute! It's not detail mad...it's simple with the right amount of detail.
Awww, little peas! ^_^
Eee, I love it. So cute.
I love it too - very clever and pretty.
well done i have to say.
Excellent, well done! Clearly my favourite. A small issue, would you be able to modify it so it gets a transparent background? That way I can easily use it with all the styles / skins.
Thanks again! Not sure what size I want, but looks like I have something to choose from there.Favicons...16x16 is a tricky one I wasnt sure what size IS wanted. My browser shows 16x16
View attachment 61
It should be bigger!