TV & Film Movie Lounge

Sea Shepherd called this a documentary, but it's actually just a 12 minute video.

On the FRONTLINES: Illegal Fishing in Africa

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Some time ago I re-watched Dario Argento's Phantom of the Opera. It was absolutely hilarious. Quite artistic too. I liked the scene where the camera followed the fly. It was one of the movies that I watched often when I was younger.
"That is my thumb?"
"I'm afraid it is."
"Sh!t...You can see the booone!"
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Three days of pouring rain...I’m watching the movie IT. How did I not remember how good this movie was! It’s amazing lol. A little gory but so good/suspenseful. It helps that I love movies with kids as the main characters.
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last night we watched Dragonfly, a Kevin Costner movie from 2002 - it was okay - a little bit of supernatural mixed in with drama and a twist at the end...

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.

We don't seem to see much of him these days. Has he made any recent films/movies ?
I share a Netflix account with my sister.
I also get her free shipping from Amazon but not the streaming.

I immensely enjoyed this film, based on a true story of a teenager who survived drowning in a frozen lake.

Sahara arrived on canadian netflix so we watched that last night. From 2005 with McConaughey, Cruz, etc. Kinda like an Indiana Jones.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
OMG, that brings me back.
Long time ago I was in a book club. Each month we read a book worthy of discussion.
One year the leader of the club wanted to try something different and we each selected our favorite prolific author of mind candy. Ideally we would each read a different book by that author and do a quick analysis. (these books tend not to lend themselves to lengthy discussions.)
Anyway the leader choose Clive Cussier, the author of Sahara. And I read that book. I think I went on and eventually read a few others. when the movie came out I saw that, too.
I just checked Wikipedia to see if there were any more Dirk Pitt movies. (thee is one - but its from 1980) I was surprised to see that Cussier is still writing Dirk Pitt novels. Oh, wait - he died, his son finished the last one. And... the last 10 or so books, Dirk Pitt's children are the main characters. That makes sense. After 50+ years of adventures on the high seas, Dirk would be getting too old
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Sweet Tooth - now on Netflix - it is a series about a plague and children born as hybrids (animals) - up to Episode 4 and we are enjoying it

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I finished episode 2 last night. I think I'll watch 2 more tonight.
I like it a lot more than I expected. (didn't think I would like a movie about a pandemic.)

I like how its lightly narrated and has various plot thread that I'm guessing will all be woven together eventually.

Being its got ten episodes, this post should probably should be in the TV lounge
I finished episode 2 last night. I think I'll watch 2 more tonight.
I like it a lot more than I expected. (didn't think I would like a movie about a pandemic.)

I like how its lightly narrated and has various plot thread that I'm guessing will all be woven together eventually.

Being its got ten episodes, this post should probably should be in the TV lounge

we only have 8 episodes and we finished it last night - I hope they make another seaons

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.