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In keeping with the 50th anniversary of Star Trek vein, last night I decided to watch Free Enterprise. I think it had been a couple years. Worth a watch for Star Trek fans. A word of warning.... this is a fan film.... there are so, SO, SOOOO many various movie quotes & references it can get a little exhausting. Just think geeks with ego... and that includes Shatner (who is hilarious in this).... and tonight after more Star Trek on BBCA, I'll start the watch the six freaking hours of extras. LOL :rolleyes:

Anyone of a certain age ;) or just any huge movie buff in general should get a kick out of this....


Free Enterprise (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for sh*ts & giggles, here's Bill's rap at the end, "No Tears for Caesar".... :rofl:

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Got through the first half of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (again) this evening.... I forgot how much I enjoy it. The glorious ultra-retro & sci-fi-ness of it all, and the positively gorgeous coloring & the LIGHTING... what a super fun flick!! If you dig that stuff & haven't checked it out yet, do so. Plus, Jude Law is yummy.

Oh yeah, that one!

Remember having seen - end somehow enjoyed - it some time ago, but can't recall anything about the plot.

@MadamSarcastra , have you seen other Hayao Miyazaki / Studio Ghibli animation movies?

E.g. Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky, Howl's Moving Castle?

They are quite enjoyable, and many of them do feature steampunk air pirates or similar. Definitely worth checking out....
Quite some time ago, I got "Sky Captain" and "Princess Mononoke" out of the library (not at the same time, IIRC) and watched them. I enjoyed them both- the retro-ness of "Sky Captain" was fun, as MadamSarcastra mentions, and it has a lot of comedy, but I liked "Princess Mononoke" better- good story and really beautiful animation.

Last week I got both "Red Planet" (with Val Kilmer and Carrie-Ann Moss) and "Star Wars- The Force Awakens" out of the library. I liked them both, but wasn't crazy about either one.
TFA was definitely too repetitive/imitative of earlier films in the series, and both were a bit too violent for my taste. Go figure, because I thought that sequence in TFA where Rey accidentally turns Han's cargo of homicidally-hungry monsters loose in his ship, and they chow down on Han's enemies, was funny. I guess it doesn't bother me so much when the bad guys get what's coming to them... :devil:

I did really like the characters of Rey, Finn, Maz, and Poe though, and it was good to see Leia and Han again.
Quite some time ago, I got "Sky Captain" and "Princess Mononoke" out of the library (not at the same time, IIRC) and watched them. I enjoyed them both- the retro-ness of "Sky Captain" was fun, as MadamSarcastra mentions, and it has a lot of comedy, but I liked "Princess Mononoke" better- good story and really beautiful animation.

Last week I got both "Red Planet" (with Val Kilmer and Carrie-Ann Moss) and "Star Wars- The Force Awakens" out of the library. I liked them both, but wasn't crazy about either one.
TFA was definitely too repetitive/imitative of earlier films in the series, and both were a bit too violent for my taste. Go figure, because I thought that sequence in TFA where Rey accidentally turns Han's cargo of homicidally-hungry monsters loose in his ship, and they chow down on Han's enemies, was funny. I guess it doesn't bother me so much when the bad guys get what's coming to them... :devil:

I did really like the characters of Rey, Finn, Maz, and Poe though, and it was good to see Leia and Han again.
Jerry owns Force Awakens... we watched it again a couple weeks ago. Think I've seen it four times now. :) My favorite character is Poe Dameron. I do so adore a smart-***. :rolleyes: He kind of reminded me of a young Han Solo (who's my obvious fave in the original trilogy)....

This bit cracks me up every time....

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Watched the first two instalments of 'Back to the Future' with my kids on the weekend.

While they were against it at first ('Naaaah, that sounds booooooring'), they really enjoyed it at some point in time.
And we all had a good laugh at all the things from 2015 (flying cars etc...) that somehow failed to materialize so far...
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They have
Watched the first two instalments of 'Back to the Future' with my kids on the weekend.

While they were against it at first ('Naaaah, that sounds booooooring'), they really enjoyed it at some point in time.
And we all had a good laugh at all the things from 2015 (flying cars etc...) that somehow failed to materialize so far...
They have hover-boards, though! Sort of.... LOL o_O

**** Just noticed on Home/Forums page, on right, that this post starts as "They have They have...." but I didn't type that, and it's not here when I'm adding this either. (makes spooky oooo-OOOO-oooo sound)

And what happened to my quotey "signature" thing?? Is this all Windows 10's fault or is somethin' funky goin' on? :tinfoilhat:
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Just watched Captain America: Civil War tonight at Jerry's... he had the two-day rental on U-verse... and WOO-HOO!! :jump: That was fun. I super-enjoy the Marvel universe flicks.... sooo much. :up:

Captain America: Civil War (2016) - IMDb

And I just had to post these drool-worthy pics of Chris Evans.... **gaze, gasp, faint**
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Have just catalogued my DVD collection (about 500) in a nifty app called "My Movies 2" , so now I can sit in my armchair, browse through my movies on my iPad and only go to search the one I want to watch once I have made up my mind (of course, I have now also ordered my disks alphabetically).
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Margin Call. Since it was about Wall Street I was expecting it to be kind of boring so I put off watching it, but it turned out to be really good. It's a dramatization about the start of the 2008 financial crisis.

Although I own this film, I can't seem to resist watching it when it's on TV, like a couple days ago.

If you have not yet seen "Sicko", I beg you... PLEASE watch it!! And because this site has folks from all over the globe, I believe it'll help us all understand how things work, here in the states & abroad. Extremely enlightening.

WATCH THIS FILM FROM START TO FINISH!! You'll thank yourself and you'll do quite a bit of thinking, during & after.

Sicko (2007) - IMDb <---- trailer here...

... and here:
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Just watched "Until The Light Takes Us", a documentary about the Norwegian Black Metal scene of the early 90s. It's all on YouTube:

Recommended, if you're curious about those kinds of subjects ...!
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My daughter was telling me how much she loved the film "the shallows", so I watched it. It sucked, lol.
I watched this movie last night:

Frequency (2000)

Because there's a TV version of the movie coming soon on The CW (albeit with the son changed to a daughter for the series).

It's an intriguing premise (adult son in 1999 hears his long-dead father speaking to him over a ham radio from 1969), but I thought the execution was rather mediocre. I didn't even think the acting was that great, and I'm a fan of Dennis Quaid. For example, in this movie, Quaid, a native Texan, adopts this sort of weird New York-type accent which comes and goes, because the movie is set in Queens. It's very distracting.

I hope the TV series is better.