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Having really liked "Baby Mama" and pretty much anything Tina Fey and Amy Poehler do together (such as host the Golden Globes awards), I thought I'd watch their latest movie, "Sisters".

OMG I hated every minute I watched of it. I kept watching thinking it might get better, but it didn't, it only got worse. It's so awful I quit the movie halfway through. I can't believe they'd do something so terrible. STAY AWAY from this turkey. :down:
Watched Tank Girl on Amazon Prime, as it was one of the free movies I found there and I vaguely remembered it being some kind of kult feminist, anti-capitalist comic book conversion.

Unfortunately, I would rather have to agree with the rating given by Rotten Tomatoes...
Rotten Tomatoes said:
While unconventional, Tank Girl isn't particularly clever or engaging...

So nothing I would particularly endorse...
I saw "Doctor Strange" on Tuesday. I'd been looking forward to it and liked it, although Strange was a lot more serious in the comics. (I used to be more into DC comics, but I read Marvel sometimes. The DC universe has turned so dark since the '60s, but Marvel seems to have a sense of fun).

The special effects were good and there was a lot of humor.
I read an article that endorsed Dr Strange only for "die-hard Benedict Cumberbatch fans". (Which is fine, as I am just that :D)
... and hope I don't spot a rodent. :eek: I sprayed peppermint oil/clove stuff around again (also good for repelling mosquitoes, spiders, & centipedes)... hope it'll hold. LOL :confused:

I was in Walmart the other day and one of the products they have near the cash registers is called Rodent Sheriff,
which is some sort of mint spray designed to repel rodents. I have no idea how good it is, but it is out there.

Rodent Sheriff - Repel pests with just a spray, the natural way!

$11.99 at Ace Hardware; $23.00 at Walmart.

Rodent Sheriff Reviews: How Effective is Rodent Sheriff?

Rodent Sheriff Review: Does it Keep out Pests? - Freakin' Reviews
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Has anyone watched Sully yet? My partner and I are thinking about renting it to watch. Wondering if it's worth it to go looking for.
Watched "Mary Poppins" with my family yesterday as they had not yet seen that movie.

All I can say to that is ... "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", of course :D

And no, I can't get the songs out of my head again today...

Also worth watching again, related to this, is, of course, "Saving Mr. Banks" with the wonderful Emma Thompson.
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The Lobster has such a weird storyline.:eek::p Green Room, Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Don't Breathe are all meant to be good.
Someone on FB has just suggested I watch St. Vincent. So I checked out the trailer and turns out I already saw it. I love Bill Murray and Melissa McCartney. It was a cute movie.
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I'm going to see this in the movie theater, which I almost never do, on December 18. I hate sitting in theaters. But I'm going to humor some friends and go. It looks interesting to me and I love will smith.

It looks so good. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

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