TV & Film Movie Lounge

I have a few Ultraviolet Digital Download codes up for grabs! Any takers?? These were inside DVDs I purchased, I have no use for them. I haven't checked my stash in the basement yet, but will tonight, as a couple of these on my desk here expire at the end of this month. I have:
  • Air Force One and A Few Good Men :| Meh movies, but it's a two-fer.
  • This Is The End :lol: Lewd, crude, twisted, and awesome fun!
  • The Monuments Men :) Underrated! I love this movie!
  • American Hustle :cool: Just bought it last night!
Air Force One (1997) - IMDb
A Few Good Men (1992) - IMDb
This Is the End (2013) - IMDb
The Monuments Men (2014) - IMDb
American Hustle (2013) - IMDb

The first two deals are expiring in a couple weeks... the last two, next year. If anyone wants the digital codes for these, just start a private convo on my profile and/or ask for my email. :up:

Incidentally, this requires going to Sony Pictures Store (or
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It was so tense, I was crying as well as it was so emotional. A real feel-good film.

Did you go to the cinema to see it or did you download it ?

Yes, I'm also looking forward to watching it as I like the story. Moreover, I like watch air crash investigation on the documentary channels.
Did you go to the cinema to see it or did you download it ?

Yes, I'm also looking forward to watching it as I like the story. Moreover, I like watch air crash investigation on the documentary channels.

I was going to go out to the 02 cinema, but I downloaded it instead.:oops: It probably would have been better on the big screen, but I was crying and I hate doing that in a public place so maybe it was best. I hardly ever cry so that shows that the film was dramatic.:D
I was going to go out to the 02 cinema, but I downloaded it instead.:oops: It probably would have been better on the big screen, but I was crying and I hate doing that in a public place so maybe it was best. I hardly ever cry so that shows that the film was dramatic.:D

Which part of the story upset you Molls ?
I watched a few films last night, I tried to watch Polar Express but I couldn't get into it at all. I might not be the target age group.;)

Then Quantum of Solace - I've seen it before, 7/10.
The Transporter - I've also seen it before, but I was quite drunk at that point, 6/10.:D
Sunday my partner and I watched "Infinity Polar Bear" which is a film based on a true story about a father with bipolar disorder trying to raise his two daughter while his wife was in graduate school. It was a powerful movie, a bit chaotic at times just like bipolar. My sister's ex husband had bipolar, mostly manic disorder and this movie very accurately portrayed what it is like to live with someone with bipolar. The only thing I don't like about this movie is the title. I wouldn't have given it a second look but my partner was looking at it at the video store and the synopsis looked interesting.
We watched The Arrival. It was OK-ish, but a bit confusing, and didn't quite make sense. Not sure why the critics were apparently fawning over it.
Watching the USS Indianapolis. Depressing. ☹️

ETA: It was very good.
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I loved Sully so much!:jump:

I just finished watching it. I liked the film, but found it a bit dull--except for the plane crash. Apparently, there was controversy about the way the NTSB was portrayed. Supposedly, Eastwood made the government officials more prosecutorial than they were in real life. Some people believe that Eastwood's politics (he's libertarian) made him want to portray the government officials as villains.

Sully (film) - Wikipedia
Sunday my partner and I watched "Infinity Polar Bear" which is a film based on a true story about a father with bipolar disorder trying to raise his two daughter while his wife was in graduate school. ...

I hate to be picky, but you misspelled or mistyped the first word of the title. It is Infinitely Polar Bear.
Striking Distance. However, I missed the last 30 minutes and don't know how it ended.
I tried to watch it on You Tube but can't find the film.

I must say that I was really enjoying it as I like a thriller and the actors were also very good.