Need help/input regarding new kitty's nasal issues

I would agree...I brought them a sample of the nasal discharge two weeks ago but they said they couldn't culture it because of "cross contamination". I think the problem is my not having sufficient funds to do the necessary diagnostics, so in fairness to the vets, they are trying to keep him comfortable by treating the infection until I can get him in for testing.
I would agree...I brought them a sample of the nasal discharge two weeks ago but they said they couldn't culture it because of "cross contamination". I think the problem is my not having sufficient funds to do the necessary diagnostics, so in fairness to the vets, they are trying to keep him comfortable by treating the infection until I can get him in for testing.

if it's a sample you bought from home, they're probably telling the truth- if they culture it they'll also culture every flipping germ that was on your hand, on the tissue, on the wall that he sneezed on, in the air as you wiped it up, etc. they really need to use a sterile swab to take their own sample.
Update: I wasn't going to post about this yet because I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster ride...up and down, up and down. But I figured I might as well drag you guys along for the ride, lol.

Found a vet that does diagnostic testing. He's not affiliated with any vet center so his costs are lower, no over-head. ( He's reputable. :)) I had left a message on his voice mail and he called me back that same day. He talked to me for over 20 minutes. He will do the rhinoscopy at the vet office of my choice...I'm going with the new guy that I had the (free) consultation with. He is trying to set something up for Monday as he is going out of town on Tuesday. I was so impressed with that! I just have to hope that the vet's office is able to accommodate him on such short notice. I will find out today. *fingers crossed*

I guess I've waited this long, another week or two shouldn't make any difference. Bogart is holding his own. I don't think the antibiotic is doing much...unless it's keeping a secondary infection at bay. He's still mucus-y...2-3 good days then about 36 hours of torture where I feel like he's miserable and not feeling well...then he always turns around with another 2-3 really good days. I think we can hang in there if we have to.
That's good to hear, Karen! The veterinarians sound like they really want to help you guys. I hope you and Bogart both get some peace of mind and breathe easy after all of this!
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I have cats that suffer from a herpes-type virus. For them it's bouts of sneezing with eye discharge, and only one gets it bad. I give them this L-lysine supplement:
You can get treats, or powder too, I've had the treats, and while they liked them, the size and consistency weren't good.
Anyway, see what his docter says about that.

BTW, the Viralys tastes a bit like maple syrup, and it's an easy dose from a syringe (no needle)
I did buy the L-lysine treats and he actually likes them! :) I also got some nose relief holistic drops that he will take mixed in with baby food. Unfortunately, nothing is really helping much.

We are set for 9 a.m. Monday. The quote was a bit high but I'm going for it. Barring any natural disaster at this point, we are good to go.
:hug:Good luck to you both! It's sooo hard to manage money with medical bills! I'm considering school to become a vet tech just to help manage them!
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:hug:Good luck to you both! It's sooo hard to manage money with medical bills! I'm considering school to become a vet tech just to help manage them!
That's great Karen!! Good luck on Monday.
Good luck to you and little Bogart.
Good luck today! Let us know how it goes. :)
I am thinking of Boagart and you today.

Thank you so much!! :)

And it is done!!!! What a freakin' ordeal, but of course I make everything worse for myself because it's just in my nature to be neurotic, lol. I am seriously exhausted. :sleepy:

Anyway, I don't know much yet...they did a biopsy of the bone and two cultures. Said it will take 7-10 days for results:pout:. But he came through the procedure fine. The vet was surprised that there wasn't much resistance when he started the flushing process...he said that was a good thing. Supposedly it is normal for him to sound worse over the next 48 hours and have some bleeding, but so far, he is quiet as a mouse and no bleeding! I am very excited. He also came home quite starved, had a small amount of food and wants more but I was told not to give him too much too soon. So in about 30 minutes I'll give him some more. I made him a comfy new spot on the shelf of the coffee table...he loves it there and is currently snoozing.

After all of this, the worst part is how disgusting he looks, with drool all down his neck and surprise, surprise...a poopy butt. I cleaned most of soon as he feels better I'll tackle the rest. If it turns out this procedure did the trick, I'm going to torture him with a full grooming session, lol.

Thanks again to everyone who has been keeping up with what's been going on with my new kitty! :kiss:
Yayayay!! I'm so glad it went well for the little poopster!
Am I first in line to give him snuggles?
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Glad to hear everything went smoothly!!! Hopefully the results will be very helpful in getting some relief for the little guy. :)
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