Ok, so we're switching from Azithromycin to Zeniquin...something about the Zeniquin being better for the type of bacteria that showed up on the culture. And we are starting 5 mg of Prednisolone for 30 days. He does not feel that he needs an antihistamine at this time. I am going to try a different litter. I currently use World's Best and I dont' see anywhere on the package that says it's dust free. I'm pretty sure there are a few out there that are.
Bogart was really good last night and this morning. But not so good when I came home from work. It's weird how he fluctuates from one day to the next. The vet feels hopeful that the steriods will help, but he says I have to give it at least two weeks...it's not something that shows improvement in a day or two.
the steroids very likely will help, at least short term.

fingers crossed on longer term.
worlds best is normally pretty good litter, it's corn based. i used to use it (for my cats) but it messed with my head by smelling a bit too much like cornflakes.
sinus things are very prone to dramatic fluctuations, allergies especially, because you get this vicious cycle going....you know the pattern from when you have a cold, right?
first you have the initial environmental irritant, or presence of a invader (like germs) which causes mucous production and inflammation... it's all runny and itchy and dreadfully sore and you keep sneezing as your body tries to expel things it doesn't like being up your nose.
after a while, things get thicker in there, and all swollen and snotty. you'll often gunk up totally, and either try and blow out booger chunks for a few days, or the bloody bits will start to crust over. that keeps any airborne particles that might be causing irritation out of the nasal membranes, which makes your histamine production settle down a bit, or your body gets a handle on the infection and starts winning,
and then you get the painful pressure in your sinuses from all the thick mucous that's been sitting there for a bit, you have to swallow all the time and have a gloopy sore throat or cough from it running down the back of your throat, and you end up swallowing loads of gunk, or your body tidies it away by magic....
eventually everything drains out, all the little sore scabs fall off, and voila... your nasal tissues are exposed to the air again... which means it potentially all starts over again.
maybe there is a pattern in his snottiness. on days when it's bad, is the central heating on? different weather conditions (possible mould, pollen, etc)? food changes?