New York

I’m in the Hudson Valley. It was bad. Two confirmed tornados and that never happens here. Our power was out for two days but some people are still without. An 11 year old girl lost her life as she was helping the family bring items from the car into the house and a tree fell. Another 41 year old mom lost her life when a tree hit the car she was driving in. Her three year old was also in the car but was unhurt. Just awful.

I can’t even imagine, especially since I was driving home from work in it. I had initially, started out on the back road and became so scared, I turned around and took the main road instead. It all happened so fast. Trees and power lines were downed in minutes. This is the third time, this year, that my area got hit so badly with weather. Back in March there were the two crazy snowstorms where people were without power for days. I guess the positive note, this time, is that the temperature is warm enough where you didn’t have to worry about heat.
I’m in the Hudson Valley. It was bad. Two confirmed tornados and that never happens here. Our power was out for two days but some people are still without. An 11 year old girl lost her life as she was helping the family bring items from the car into the house and a tree fell. Another 41 year old mom lost her life when a tree hit the car she was driving in. Her three year old was also in the car but was unhurt. Just awful.

I can’t even imagine, especially since I was driving home from work in it. I had initially, started out on the back road and became so scared, I turned around and took the main road instead. It all happened so fast. Trees and power lines were downed in minutes. This is the third time, this year, that my area got hit so badly with weather. Back in March there were the two crazy snowstorms where people were without power for days. I guess the positive note, this time, is that the temperature is warm enough where you didn’t have to worry about heat.
Exactly... awful. And scary for the others who managed to survive this.:hug: I can't even think about watching a tornado up so close. I've seen it three times- above the sea, above the river, and on the parking in my home town. It was tossing away the cars. Those were all water tornados.:eek: The biggest one was on the sea. And we fled in a hurry. But luckily no one got hurt.

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