No unity among vegetarians

We don't here about it because peta does very, very little good, if any at all. I wouldn't call the rank racism and misogyny that comes from the mouths of peta a "minor" problem.
The major complaint I see is that they're sexist. Not everyone feels this way though. I've never heard the claim before that they're racist.
Why don't we hear more about the good PETA does(such as activist work) or the fact that they've helped many people go vegetarian. PETA killing dogs is obviously a problem, but most of the other controversy is at most a minor problem. I'd rather focus on the major problems like factory farms rather than a minor problem(PETA's "I'd Rather Be Nude" campaign, for instance).

Because the way they go about doing these things are often offensive, rude, and controversial.
We don't here about it because peta does very, very little good, if any at all. I wouldn't call the rank racism and misogyny that comes from the mouths of peta a "minor" problem.

I agree. But I've come to wonder if Peta attempts to treat the human race much the same way humans treat animals - with no regard for anything but the outcome. They will use anyway they can to get their message across in much the same way as humans use anyway possible to get that burger/chicken nugget made. I also suspect that's why they euthanize domestic pets so quickly. I mean, why spend limited resources rehabilitating injured/unsocialized dogs when so many other animal issues need to be funded? I certainly don't approve of a lot of what they do, but I have wondered what the reasoning is behind their various over-the-top campaigns. It has to be more than just a crazy Ingrid Newkirk. o_O
1960:1.8 billion farm animals were killed for food in the United States(population 179 million). Today it's over 9 billion. If it had gone up as it should have according to the population, it should be around 3 billion. Just in the United States cheap meat has caused the deaths of maybe 6-7 billion farm animals in the recent years. I'm not sure how you can compare anything PETA does to that. Plus you can consider the resources we're wasting(water, oil). I'm not even a supporter of PETA these days but it's obvious they get treated very unfairly.
1960:1.8 billion farm animals were killed for food in the United States(population 179 million). Today it's over 9 billion. If it had gone up as it should have according to the population, it should be around 3 billion. Just in the United States cheap meat has caused the deaths of maybe 6-7 billion farm animals in the recent years. I'm not sure how you can compare anything PETA does to that. Plus you can consider the resources we're wasting(water, oil). I'm not even a supporter of PETA these days but it's obvious they get treated very unfairly.

That's like saying the family shouldn't criticize Uncle Al for his racist and misogynistic remarks because they are nothing at all compared to what Hitler did.
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That's like saying the family shouldn't criticize Uncle Al for his racist and misogynistic remarks because they are nothing at all compared to what Hitler did.

While of course one should call out Uncle Al on his racism, I see nothing wrong with that type of comparison. Uncle Al will probably never be elected Chancellor of any country and set in motion a plan to murder millions of people.
1960:1.8 billion farm animals were killed for food in the United States(population 179 million). Today it's over 9 billion. If it had gone up as it should have according to the population, it should be around 3 billion. Just in the United States cheap meat has caused the deaths of maybe 6-7 billion farm animals in the recent years. I'm not sure how you can compare anything PETA does to that. Plus you can consider the resources we're wasting(water, oil). I'm not even a supporter of PETA these days but it's obvious they get treated very unfairly.

Rainforests1, is it your intention for this to be a PETA thread?

If so, please ask the appropriate mod to move it to the debate forum.
I'm awfully confused here lol. I don't know any of these names. Is this a US or world wide thing? I know of PETA but I don't know why they aren't good. Can anyone fill me in or shall I do a quick google on them all? Xxx
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It occurred to me that PETA seems to do these over-the-top advertising solely for the purpose of promoting itself.

Sort of like a pyramid scheme, where those at the top care more about recruiting new members than actually selling the product.

It does the over the top ads to recruit new members so it has more money to do over the top ads to recruit new members. :dizzy:
Similar to RSPCA? I have seen a few reports that suggest animal welfare isn't always top priority (or it at least seems that way). But so as not to upset anyone and to remain high profile for doing good (which admittedly, they appear to do so too), they aren't actually as amazing as they might seem.

I think I get it now xxx
It occurred to me that PETA seems to do these over-the-top advertising solely for the purpose of promoting itself.

Sort of like a pyramid scheme, where those at the top care more about recruiting new members than actually selling the product.

It does the over the top ads to recruit new members so it has more money to do over the top ads to recruit new members. :dizzy:

I'm not so sure that I understand your pyramid scheme example. Nearly all organizations which have membership drives offer an opportunity to support a cause rather than provide an actual product. The idea that Peta uses outrageous advertising primarily to promote itself would work a whole lot better if Peta were a well-respected organization. But it sure seems to me that nearly everyone hates Peta - certainly most omnis hate Peta, and most vegetarians seem to hate Peta too.

I think one of Peta's strength is that is grabs your attention and forces you to think about the issues in a way that is so uncomfortable that it sticks with you - like watching Meet Your Meat - once you see it you can't forget some of the awful images. And even if you could continue eating meat after watching MYM, you'd always have an uncomfortable feeling in your subconscious. Peta has some thoroughly disgusting campaigns, no doubt about it. But it has many extremely compelling, heart-wrenching campaigns as well.
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Similar to RSPCA? I have seen a few reports that suggest animal welfare isn't always top priority (or it at least seems that way). But so as not to upset anyone and to remain high profile for doing good (which admittedly, they appear to do so too), they aren't actually as amazing as they might seem.

I think I get it now xxx

I'm not sure that's how I'd explain it. I think the problem with the RSPCA is that people have expectations way beyond their capabilities, plus they're a welfare charity.

Whereas for PETA my issues with them are mainly that they will do ANYTHING to gain attention, the aim for provocative and controversial advertising that a lot of people think makes animal rights look crazy, and is often sexist - relying on young, conventionally attractive, naked people to draw attention.
As far as Ive seen with PeTA, their campaigns tend to lean towards "go veggie cos you is fat" or "go veggie for better sexy timezzzz" rather than "go veggie because its healthy and we need to reduce animal suffering"

I personally dont want to be connected to a so called Animal Rights organisation that tries to convert people using shaming.
That's like saying the family shouldn't criticize Uncle Al for his racist and misogynistic remarks because they are nothing at all compared to what Hitler did.
When did I say PETA shouldn't be criticized? PETA killing dogs is disgusting to me(the main reason I stopped supporting them), and I see no problem with criticizing them for that. The problem is they get criticized very excessively. People tend to address the minor issues while ignoring the major ones.

Constant criticism of PETA but none regarding the government and media helping out those who do animal cruelty. What a surprise. Many in the animal rights movement are liberal, so I think they many have a loyalty towards other liberals(the media is liberal and the government has many liberals) before animal rights. The only logical explanation I can think. I think chickens, sharks, bees, mice, and other victims of animal cruelty would be ashamed.
When did I say PETA shouldn't be criticized? PETA killing dogs is disgusting to me(the main reason I stopped supporting them), and I see no problem with criticizing them for that. The problem is they get criticized very excessively. People tend to address the minor issues while ignoring the major ones.

Constant criticism of PETA but none regarding the government and media helping out those who do animal cruelty. What a surprise. Many in the animal rights movement are liberal, so I think they many have a loyalty towards other liberals(the media is liberal and the government has many liberals) before animal rights. The only logical explanation I can think. I think chickens, sharks, bees, mice, and other victims of animal cruelty would be ashamed.

I'm not sure what your point is if you don't think PeTA is immune from criticism. Pretty much every veg*n thinks that factory farming and the whole meat industry suck. IMO, there's a lot of unity among veg*ns about that, and not much point in having a thread where everyone just keeps repeating that.
Ah I see now!
I didn't really know this about PETA. So for the reasons mentioned above, do most people not support the work that PETA do? (Not arguing the fact if so, just trying to understand) xxx