No unity among vegetarians

I guess it depends what you mean by support, I don't and wouldn't donate money to PETA, but that's true for lots of charities - you can never help them all so I pick the ones most aligned with my beliefs, or ones I feel do the most good. I don't oppose what they do either though.

I think the way PETA works, unfortunately, works for a lot of people. Personally, I really hate overly-emotive, shock tactics. I guess they just don't suit my personality, I think they're kind of crass, and they can sometimes do harm as well as good - making vegans look like nutters. Plus, PETA do a lot of things - like sexist campaigns - I just don't agree with. But I can't deny that PETA has probably turned more people vegan that someone like the Vegan Society, whose approach I personally prefer. Shock tactics get through to people. Naked girls get peoples attention...

No charity is going to be 100% aligned with your beliefs. I guess in reality, I disagree with what PETA do no more so than many other charities. But I think if I'm truthful I'm less likely to support PETA than other charities who also do things I disagree with because I just don't like them. I don't want to be associated with them. I don't know, it is what it is.

I suppose maybe it's like when there were suffragettes and suffragists, although I'm not much of a history buff, two different approaches to the same problem - they agree with each other in theory but disagree about how to go about things. Maybe you need both camps to achieve what you want to. I don't know!

(ETA: Sorry this is turning into a PETA thread :brood:)
I think there is lack of unity among vegans and vegetarians for a lot of different reasons. There is a lot of diversity in a lot of areas. I'm vegan and I don't believe in a vegan community.

As far as PETA goes, I used to be a member. I choose now to support local animal charities where I know personally some of the people involved and/or who run it. Mainly now I support local low cost spay/neuter and a local small no kill shelter.
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Isn't it good that there's some diversity of opinion? We should be rather suspicious of groups where everyone agrees on everything.

As for PETA, I'm not a fan. But I heard that by being crazy and over-the-top, they can quietly negotiate with large organizations and threaten to publicly protest if changes aren't made. So maybe they are crazy like a fox.

Still, I'd rather not be associated with them.
My biggest problem with PETA is that their mission isn't very clear. Thy apparently think it's OK to tell children they'll be fat and ugly if they meat, but dive at opportunities to use vegetarian and pescatarian celebrities as their spokespeople. It's impossible to find what they are trying to accomplish, other than turn heads. They may be successful in helping some people see the light, but I am fairly convinced that they drive even more away from consideration.
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