Oil Pulling?


Jan 29, 2019
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Los Angeles
  1. Vegan newbie
Has anybody tried oil pulling? I know this forum is more about diet but I'm a little desperate. My dentist told me I need a root canal but that my insurance wouldn"t pay for it. Thought I'd get busy and oil pull for a couple months. I can honestly say that I've had success with oil pulling in the past when I was experiencing tooth aches and after a month or so of doing it everyday the pain went away but I never really knew if I actually had a cavity or not. Any thoughts?
I've only tried it, really hated it, and research I felt was legitimate didn't support it's theory.
I have used oil of oregano on a tooth ache, but it didn't cure anything. I've had many root canals through the years and most eventually failed, and I've either had the tooth pulled, or dental implants. My dental work has cost me a fortune I don't have, and much of my credit card debt is owed on implants.
I've always had a phobia of tooth problems and dentistry, and the one I go to is very expensive!
Do you have any alternative to a root canal? I've gotten very suspicious of them
I have gone through the internet and I can't find one person saying it got rid of a cavity. There's stuff like it made my teeth whiter or my teeth feel better but nothing from one single person saying it cured my cavity.