One-way streets

I hate them. They are gas wasters and sometimes confusing. It always seems like you have to go out of your way to get around them. And, if you miss the place you're going to you can't just turn around at the end of the block, you have to go around one or more blocks just to get back to where you were. Plus, I'm always afraid I'll accidentally end up going the wrong way.
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Sometimes they are unavoidable in cities where the space between buildings isn't wide enough to accommodate two lanes, bit generally I find them highly inconvenient. In my city, you always have to look both ways REGARDLESS because it is common to see cars approaching you from the wrong direction. Once, when apartment hunting a few years ago, my soon-to-be roommate inadvertently turned the wrong way onto a one-way street at night, when the area was poorly lit. He noticed his mistake quickly and since there was no traffic he chose just to back up and turn around.... then we noticed we were right in front of the local police station. Luckily they didn't notice us!
There's a street in downtown Missoula, Montana that is 2 way for a portion of it and one way for the rest.
I can't tell you how many times I saw people drive the wrong way on the one way portion.
And if you were making a left hand turn off the one way at the intersection where it becomes a 2 way street, occasionally you'd panic someone who was coming the other way in the same lane and unaware that you were both supposed to turn. On 2 occasions I had people yelling things at me as they drove through the intersection and went the wrong way down the one way after making a panic stop before the intersection because they thought I was in their lane.

Under normal circumstances I don't like one way streets.