I too try to buy from smaller companies and smaller brand names. And I do this a lot.
Another person here who does this.
While I do believe that supporting organic versions and veg*an versions of food helps with supply and demand and means that there will be more of those options, I also try and spend my dollars wisely. Even when I wasn't vegan I avoided buying from brands whose parent company tested on animals, I always knew I was very against that. I think that everyone has to have their line in the sand and choose when it is and isn't okay for them to cross it and not put those pressures on the people around them. "To Each Their Own" to an extent. People come around in their own time, and sometimes funds just don't allot for being able to spend more money on the smaller brand companies. For instance my line in the sand also is that I won't purchase anything that contains corn or soy if they don't come from an organic source, there are too many GMOs out there and there has been some research out of a lab in Germany that well...scares the f*** out of me! Really makes you scratch your chin at our generation's fertility problems, but that's a whole other post!!
It's times like these that I feel so lucky to work at an organic market where not only do I have plenty of options around me, I also can order things in bulk for cheaper individual pricing, and I also have influence over what we carry since I'm the manager (and the owner refers to me as "her daughter" we're so close). The owner trusts me to pick items that will sell well and come from a great source so we carry many items by smaller companies.